
Here's an acronym for ya!

Thanks to Redsock, as usual. The boy finds great links.


  1. Sounds like something Sam The Man Jackson would say... ;)

  2. Wearing my stupid hat.

    itmfa? Is the mf what I think it is?

  3. Probably. Click and find out!

  4. Good old Dan Savage. His previous meme was to create a definition for the word "Santorum" that would appropriately honour the senator of that name.

    If you haven't heard of that one, just Google "Santorum" -- it's the first result. However, it's not for the squeamish -- If you think you might be offended by it, then you probably will be.

  5. Oh yes, santorum. Disgusting, but well-deserved.

    I have my issues with some of Dan Savage's politics, though. He's a leader in the "blame Nader" camp, and feels anyone who doesn't support the Dems, no matter what, is a traitor.

    It's hard for me to understand that, given what little the Democrats have done for us.

    But I love his column, of course.

  6. Click on it? What a novel concept. I must have been really befuzzled yesterday.

    I clicked. Funny that I got the mf right but couldn't figure out the rest.

  7. Santorum - can't say I wasn't warned.

  8. This is great -- must order a t-shirt.

  9. Crabbi, I knew you'd enjoy it. :)

  10. I was telling my daughter J about this yesterday. She thinks the acronym is kind of lame. "No one will know what that means, and isn't the point to get people to think? " she said. Nope, not in this case. In this case, I get to be part of a really club and maybe I'll run into other people with ITMFA gear and we can wink and smile at each other.

    But I will never wear a santorum t-shirt. Just thinking about santorum actually makes me physically ill -- both the frothy mixture and the senator. OTOH, as you say, he deserves it.

  11. Just thinking about santorum actually makes me physically ill -- both the frothy mixture and the senator.

    Amazingly, the senator nauseates me more than the substance. Although I must say your use of the word "frothy" gives it s special stomach-turning kick.

  12. Oh, I can't take credit for "frothy." I think that is Mr. Savage's word.

    You're right about Santorum; he's far more disgusting than any substance. Anyway, who am I to judge other people's substances? But Santorum? Him I'll judge.


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