let them stay week day 3: email or call minister chris alexander

Today is a very important day in Let Them Stay Week 2014. Today we flood some inboxes!

If you support US war resisters in Canada, please take a moment to call or email the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Chris Alexander. Ask him to ensure that no more US war resisters are forced out of Canada for their opposition to an illegal and immoral war, and to enact a provision to let them stay in Canada.

You can send an email from this Take Action page, or write your own message and email it to: Minister@cic.gc.ca and chris.alexander@parl.gc.ca. Please copy the opposition leaders and critics: lysane.blanchette-lamothe@parl.gc.ca, mccallum.j@parl.gc.ca, mulcair.t@parl.gc.ca, trudeau.j@parl.gc.ca, elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca.

You can also phone Minister Alexander at 613-954-1064.


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