in which my library career takes another step forward

I am very pleased to announce that I've landed my first full-time librarian gig! It's a temporary position, for six months, in the "Readers' Den" Department of the Mississauga Central Library. Readers' Den takes in all the fiction, magazines, movies, and very importantly, the Youth department, both teen fiction and teen programs. I'll be working with teens again, something I love, I'll be sharpening my readers' advisory skills, and I'll be able to work as a full-time librarian while I wait for a permanent position to post.

Please forgive my bragging, but I must tell you that I totally aced the interview. I was told that I "blew it out of the water," and that offering me the position was a "no-brainer". Needless to say, this makes me feel pretty great!

As you may recall, I am nervous about working full-time. It will be a huge change for me. Even when I've worked more than full-time hours - school, part-time jobs, writing gigs, activism - I've always had a lot of flexibility, and enjoyed juggling many different facets of my life. Having one full-time job is scary. But I'm thoroughly enjoying the work, and I do want my career to advance, so this is a natural next step.

So here we go!


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