chief theresa spence calling for solidarity actions on sunday, december 30

Media Release
For Immediate Release December 28, 2012

Attawapiskat Chief Spence heading into day 19 of hunger strike and seeking Canadians, Members of Parliament and politicians to urge Prime Minister Harper to meet and commit to Nation to Nation relations with Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples.

Algonquin Territory, Ottawa, Ontario

Chief Theresa Spence is heading into day nineteen of a hunger strike and concern for her health has been expressed by community members worldwide. Her resolve is unwavering to continue her hunger strike until the Prime Minister and his government agree to a meeting to discuss a commitment and a way forward to begin Nation to Nation treaty based relationship and a path forward for reconciliation with First Nations and Canada.

Her condition continues to weaken every hour and the time has come for increased efforts to gain the support of Canadians and governments in forging this new relationship.

Two events will be planned for Sunday December 30th, 2012.

1. Open house invitation to all Members of Parliament and Senators to visit with Chief Spence at her teepee at Victoria Island, Ottawa. Chief Spence will be receiving MPs and Senators on Sunday December 30th, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Media will be welcome for a brief statement and comments.

2. Chief Spence is requesting all Canadians and Indigenous People worldwide join in solidarity for ceremonies, events and rallies to call on Prime Minister Harper to answer the call of Aboriginal Nations to meet with Chief Spence and commit to a path of recognition and implementation of the treaty commitments and forging a new First Nations crown relationship. National and International Coordinated events will be planned for Sunday December 30th, 2012 at 2 pm Eastern time.

In Toronto: meet at the Eaton Centre, Centre Court fountain, 2:00


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