can we stop the next war before it starts? don't attack iran: saturday, october 6

This Saturday, October 6, is an International Day of Action: Don't Attack Iran. People will be standing up for peace all across Canada. Some event listings are below, and a search on Facebook may turn up a few more.

From the Canadian Peace Alliance:

Almost ten years after the start of the Iraq War, we face the threat of another war. This time the target is Iran. And the process that led to war nearly a decade ago is strikingly similar to the situation today. It started with sanctions, which our government insisted were a “humanitarian” alternative to war but then lead to air strikes and invasion based on dubious claims about Weapons of Mass Destruction.

At stake today is the possibility of another disastrous war in the Middle East. Over 1.5 million Iraqis died because of sanctions, and over a million more have been killed since the war began in 2003. We must not be fooled into war with Iran, especially by arguments that have long since been discredited.

The Harper Government has become an important player in contributing to the propaganda campaign in support of this war. Stephen Harper has labeled both "Islamicism" and Iran as the greatest threats to world peace and he and Foreign Minister John Baird have use every international platform to push for war. The people of Canada, the majority of whom didn't vote for the Conservatives, must stand up and end the sabre-rattling, fear-mongering and threats.

What can you do?

The Canadian Peace Alliance has developed new resources to help build the campaign against war with Iran including sample letters for your MP, petitions, window signs, and a new fact-sheet with the Top 5 Myths and Realities about the drive to war.

Go to the CPA's "No War On Iran" page to find all the information you need to build the campaign in your community.

And on October 6, join the demonstrations in cities and towns across Canada. If you are organizing an event please let us know by e-mailing

October 6 Event Listings


A peace rally organized by the Edmonton Coalition Against War & Racism (ECAWAR) urging the Canadian government not to use military intervention in Iran.

Saturday, October 6, 2012
2:30 - 4:30 p.m. in UTC-06

The program includes:
Dr. Rose Geransar (Iranian-Canadian activist)
Siavash Saffari (Iranian-Canadian activist)
Peggy Morton (ECAWAR)
Dr. Dougal MacDonald (ECAWAR)
Paula Kirman (political singer/songwriter)
....more details to come!


Join us for a rally and march on Saturday, October 6, part of a pan-Canadian day of action to oppose a war against Iran.

1:00 p.m. Rally at Halifax Commons Triangle
1:30 p.m. March to Megan Leslie's Community Office on Gottingen St.


No Attack on Syria and Iran!

Join thousands of people around North America and England in protesting the run-up to the looming wars in the Mideast! Stop the Harper government's preparations for military intervention in both Syria and Iran!

Saturday, October 6, 2012, at the Federal Building, 55 Bay Street North, Hamilton, 1:00 p.m.

For further info on the October 6 demonstrations, e-mail hcsw-at-cogeco-dot-ca or go to our events page at Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War.


Don't attack Iran - Rally and March

Join the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War for a city-wide rally and march on Saturday, October 6, part of a pan-Canadian day of action to oppose a war against Iran.

2:00 p.m. Rally at Queen's Park
3:00 p.m. March
3:30 p.m. Public meeting: 'Why Harper cut ties with Iran' - featuring special guest speakers (TBA)


Stop Harper's Warmongering Against Iran
International Day of Action Against War

Saturday October 6, 12:00 noon

Meet at Peace Flame Park (also known as Seaforth Peace Park) - south end of Burrard Bridge, between Cornwall & 1st Ave. Join and allies in a display of banners and signs for drivers, cyclists and transit riders.

This action is in solidarity with an international day of action.


Don't Attack Iran! International Day of Action
October 6, 2012
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Please join Peace Alliance Winnipeg in holding a peaceful information picket in Osborne Village to raise awareness of the increasing danger of war with Iran. Bring friends and family to help distribute information on this serious issue. Feel free to bring your own placard.

Location: River Avenue and Osborne Street, Winnipeg


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