kim rivera to be deported from canada tomorrow. our struggle continues.

As you may have heard, the Federal Court has denied Kimberly Rivera a stay of removal and leave to appeal. Kim and her family are scheduled to leave Canada tomorrow.

We continue to call on Immigration Minister Jason to stop this injustice. Please continue to call and email Minister Kenney. Urge him to stop this deportation, which will result in a family being torn apart.

Phone: 613-954-1064
Fax: 613-957.2688

If you are as angry about this injustice as I am, please consider responding to an important feature story about the Riveras in the Toronto Star. Letters can be sent to

The War Resisters Support Campaign will continue to fight to keep U.S. Iraq War resisters in Canada. We thank you for your support and we hope you will continue to fight with us.

Tomorrow morning we are helping the Riveras get to the border. Kim will likely be taken into custody immediately.

This is a dark day for Canada.


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