deadline to comment on northern gateway pipeline is august 31: add your voice to the opposition

Please watch this beautiful video from Pacific Wild, featuring former NHL goalie (and Hall-of-Famer) Mike Richter, and more importantly, featuring the Spirit Bear Coast.

In less than four minutes, you will understand the utter madness of bringing an oil pipeline and supertankers to this area. Madness, that is, unless you're one of the few who will profit from the destruction.

The Northern Gateway pipeline is now open for public comment. We have until August 31 to add our voices to the opposition. Here's how.

1. Sign a message from the David Suzuki Foundation. It will be sent to the relevant elected officials.

2. Register your opinion with the National Energy Board Joint Review Committee on the Enbridge Northern Gateway project website. Hearings on the pipeline continue into 2013, but the deadline for public comment is August 31, 2012.

Please sign, comment, and share widely. Many thanks to Mike Richter, the NRDC, and Pacific Wild for the video. It's great to see a former professional athlete get involved in this. As always, many thanks to the David Suzuki Foundation for leading the way.


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