calling all "ethnics": stephen harper invites you to a costume party in etobicoke today!

The first invitation
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 22:26:47 -0400
Subject: Opportunity - Thursday night with the Prime Minister


On Thursday night, the Prime Minister will be in Etobicoke for a big rally.

Here is the link for the event

We, at the Etobicoke Centre riding, are trying to create a photo-op about all the multicultural groups that support Ted Opitz our local Conservative candidate and the Prime Minister. The opportunity is to have up to 20 people in national folklore costumes which represent their ethnic backgrounds. These people will sit in front row behind the PM – great TV photo op.

We are seeking representation from the Arab community. Do you have any cultural groups that would like to participate by having someone at the event in an ethnic costume? We are seeking one or two people from your community. Please let me know by Wednesday afternoon – 5:00 pm at the latest.

I apologize for the short notice.

Thanks again for your help!

Zeljko ‘Zed’ Zidaric
Ted Opitz Campaign Team

And the second invitation...

Stephen Harper's 'Ethnic Costume' Party & Rally
Thursday, April 14
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Double Tree by Hilton Hotel
655 Dixon Road, Etobicoke


Event on facebook (Directions from downtown Toronto on that page or email me.)

Stephen Harper is coming to Toronto this Thursday, April 14!

In a leaked e-mail message from the local Conservative candidate's campaign team in Etobicoke Centre, the Conservatives invited various "ethnic" groups in the riding to dress up in their "ethnic costumes" so they can stand behind Stephen Harper in a photo-op.

In response to this patronizing and offensive event, we are calling on all "ethnics" to join us for a counter-rally that will take place outside the Conservative rally. Please come dressed in your traditional "ethnic costume" - whether you're Chinese, Arab, Portuguese, Italian, South Asian, Irish, Vulcan, Klingon, Zombie, or Ewok. Let's show the Conservatives that "ethnic voters" are not props for photo-ops.

Bring placards, too!

The Conservative rally will take place at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, 655 Dixon Road, near the Toronto Airport. The Conservative event is slated to start at 6:30 p.m. We're asking that you be there for 5:30 p.m. so we can be sure to greet Harper when he arrives.

Organized by community organizations, anti-racist groups, and "ethnics" across the Greater Toronto Area

Make your own Harper "Ethnic Costume"!


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