support archbishop desmond tutu

There are a few public figures in the world with impeccable human rights credentials, and one of them is Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Tutu has spent his life speaking truth and fighting injustice. He has publicly criticised Israeli policy towards Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank, as well as Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians.

Because of his criticism of Israeli government policy, Tutu is being labelled a bigot, an anti-Semite and a racist by some Zionist supporters. These groups are calling for Tutu to be removed as Patron of the Cape Town and Johannesburg Holocaust Centres of the South African Holocaust Foundation.

It's horrifying to see the Holocaust invoked in this way. The words "never again" have to mean something more than "never again to us".

Please read more here, and if you agree, please sign this petition, and share it with friends. Thanks.


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