let them stay week 2011: please write a letter this week

It's time to show Stephen Harper and Jason Kenney that we have not given up. We have not gone away. We will continue to fight for the Canada we want to live in - the Canada that stands for peace, the Canada that is a "refuge from militarism". Canada said NO to the invasion of Iraq, and we should welcome people who - at great personal sacrifice - have done the same.

Tell Stephen Harper and Jason Kenney why you think Iraq War resisters should be allowed to stay in Canada.

Add your name to the Open Letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Minister of Immigration Jason Kenney. (Scroll down to click on "add your name".)

And please take a few minutes to write your own letter:

The Right Hon. Stephen Harper
Prime Minister
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

The Hon. Jason Kenney
Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6



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