thursday, december 2 in toronto: jon brooks, antonia zerbisias and the war resisters support campaign

Up for some bar hopping? From east to west, Toronto is fundraising for Iraq War resisters. On Thursday, December 2, join us for one - or both! - of these events. Bring your friends, hear some music, have a drink and help raise much needed funds for the ongoing fight to keep Iraq War resisters in Canada.

In the west end, Canadian singer-songwriter Jon Brooks performs a benefit for the War Resisters Support Campaign, with special guest, goddess of the blogosphere, Facebook and Twitter, Antonia Zerbisias. Iraq War resister Jeremy Hinzman will also speak.

When: Thursday, December 2, 8 pm
Where: Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas Street West, Toronto
Suggested donation: $20 or pay what you can
Dinner reservation guarantees seating: call 416.588.0307

On the east End, join the "Support Don't Deport Benefit Jam" in support of war resisters Phil McDowell and Jamine Aponte, featuring special musical guests Mr. Rick & the Biscuits and Darren Eedens, and comedian Robin Crossman.

When: Thursday, December 2, 8:30 - 11:30 pm
Where: The Prohibition Gastrohouse, 696 Queen Street East
Donation: $25 in advance or $30 at the door (includes first drink and appetizer)

For more info, see The Jam Blog.


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