vancouver peace people, take note: very special event sunday march 21

I'm always posting about war resister events in Toronto, but next Sunday's event is taking place in Vancouver, Toronto, and L.A.

On the 7th anniversary of the Iraq War: Veteran Resisters Speak Out

WHEN: Sunday March 21, 1:00 PM

WHERE: Maritime Labour Centre, 1880 Triumph Street, Vancouver. [Toronto info here.]

Seven years ago, millions of people around the world protested the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. Over 100,000 Iraqi civilians have died, as have thousands of US and other soldiers – all for a war based on lies. While Bush and Blair, the architects of this crime walk free, Iraq war resisters are still being jailed for their opposition to the war.

Join veteran US soldiers and war resisters Ron Kovic, Rodney Watson and Jeremy Hinzman for an interactive discussion on the campaign to allow US Iraq war resisters to stay in Canada.

Live from Los Angeles: Ron Kovic
Ron Kovic served two tours of duty during the Vietnam War. He returned home wounded and became an anti-war activist. Ron Kovic is the author and subject of the book and film, Born on the Fourth of July.

Live from Vancouver: Rodney Watson
Rodney Watson completed his tour of duty in Iraq. When he was stop-lossed and ordered to return to Iraq, he came to Canada instead. When the Harper government ordered him deported, Rodney accepted an offer of sanctuary from the First United Church in Vancouver.

Live from Toronto: Jeremy Hinzman
In January 2004, Jeremy Hinzman became the first Iraq War resister to come to Canada Jeremy was a US soldier in the elite infantry division, the 82nd Airborne. He served in a non-combat position in Afghanistan and came to Canada when he learned he was going to be deployed to Iraq.

Presented by the Vancouver War Resisters Support Campaign

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As you may imagine, Ron Kovic is a very special hero of mine, as he brings together the ideals of peace activism, military resistance and disability rights. He always makes the explicit connection between Vietnam and Iraq, and he's long been an ardent supporter of Iraq War resisters in Canada.

I don't know if I'll be able to leave work to attend this event, but I'm so excited that it's happening. We're hoping that it will be streamed live on Rabble TV; stay tuned for more info on that.


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