two peace and war-resistance events in toronto

This Tuesday, March 2, Colonel Ann Wright will speak at "Resistance Across Borders," co-sponsored by Code Pink Toronto, The Council of Canadians, Science for Peace and Voice of Women. Also speaking will be Patrick Hart, a US Army veteran and Iraq War resister.

As you probably know, Ann Wright is a retired US Army colonel and US State Department official. After a distinguished military career, she publicly resigned her positions in protest of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. She now has a distinguished career as a peace activist.

You may also recall that Wright has been refused entry to Canada on more than one occasion. We hope to see her in Toronto on Tuesday night. If border control won't lower the drawbridge, Wright will speak to the gathering via video link.

Patrick Hart lives in Toronto with his wife Jill and their son. The Harts are one of several families at high risk for deportation if the the Harper Government continues to ignore the will of the people.

Where: International Student Centre, Cumberland House, Room 102, 33 St. George Street, University of Toronto

When: Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 7:00 p.m.

Also, on Friday, March 19, there will be a dinner and fundraiser for the War Resisters Support Campaign. More details to follow, but if you're a supporter in Toronto, please mark your calendar!


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