november 18: malalai joya speaks out against the occupation

No nation can donate liberation to another nation. These values must be fought for and won by the people themselves. They can only grow and flourish when they are planted by the people in their own soil and watered by their own blood and tears.

Malalai Joya, Afghan MP and peace activist

Malalai Joya's new book, A Woman Among Warlords, is an account of Joya's fight to liberate Afghanistan amid 30 years of war. On Wednesday, November 18, Joya will speak in Toronto, an event sponsored by the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War and the University of Toronto Students Union.

Joya has been a thorn in the side of NATO-supported government by being an outspoken critic of the human rights abuses of the warlords that dominate the Parliament of Afghanistan.

She has been threatened and attacked for her stance. In 2006, President Hamid Karzai suspended her from Parliament and cut her security funding, proving that women's rights are not a concern for his government.

Joya's intimate understanding of the situaiton of women in Afghanistan exposes the lie that Canada and the West are in Afghanistan to defend and protect women's rights.

WHEN: Wednesday, November 18, 7:00 p.m.

WHERE: Trinity St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor Street (west of Spadina), Toronto


More about Malalai Joya.


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