great dogs with a bad rap get some great coverage

You may remember an old wmtc post about BAD RAP, or perhaps you've seen the badge on my sidebar. BAD RAP is an extraordinary animal rescue, rehabilitation and education organization focusing on the American Pit Bull Terrier, or as we call them, Bully Boys.

There is a very special place in my heart for BAD RAP and the work they do. Our Buster, whose picture is my Flickr icon, was an abused and abandoned pit-mix. We found him on the street, near death. It's likely he was either trained to fight or used as a "bait dog" for other dogs to attack.

Our six years with Buster were nothing less than an odyssey. I liken it to having a child with a disability: our lives revolved around him. And through Buster, I found BAD RAP.

Two years ago, BAD RAP was involved in rescuing and rehabilitating the "Vick Dogs" - the survivors of the torture chamber owned and operated by NFL player Michael Vick. I've just discovered that the incredible and heroic story was a Sports Illustrated cover story! For magazine coverage in the US, you can't get any bigger than that. If I read the BAD RAP blog more consistently, I'd have known this. Since I don't, I had to wait for Allan to see it at a doctor's office. (Note to self: subscribe to feed!)

This SI story must be the largest, most far-reaching pit-bull public education effort in history. I'm thrilled and amazed that Sports Illustrated ran it - and on the cover, too!

Please, check out the BAD RAP blog, even for a moment. The SI story is linked on the sidebar, and there's a great
photo gallery here.

I hope you'll set aside some time to read this story, both heartbreaking and heartwarming, about the worst and the best of humanity, and true princes of the animal world.

Warning: bring tissues.


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