more u.s. military recruitment lies

An addendum to my last post. We won't be seeing anything resembling an amnesty for Iraq War resisters any time soon, but that doesn't stop US military recruiters from using Obama's election as a selling point. Vet Voice reports:
Within 24 hours of Barack Obama's election, an Army career counselor sent out a recruiting e-mail promising that the new president would "get us out of Iraq," reports VetVoice's Brandon Friedman. "What are you waiting for?" the e-mail asks, arguing the election of Obama makes now the perfect time to join up.

. . .

The relevant text says:

"24 Month Mobilization Deferment. A President Elect who says he'll get us out of Iraq. What are you waiting for? Stop taking your chance's [sic] in the IRR and be safe from deployment for 2 years. By that time our new President will have gotten us out of these other countries."

See the VetVoice post for screen shots and commentary.

Throw this on the already giant heap of lies and false inducements used by US military recruiters.

Thanks to A for the tip.


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