"attempted disorderly conduct"

olympia protest

The sign on the ground says "Choose Peace".

Olympia, Washington (AP) - Thurston County prosecutors have filed misdemeanor charges against 26 of the 42 anti-war demonstrators who were arrested at the Port of Olympia protesting Fort Lewis-Iraq war shipments.

Each of the 26 was charged Friday with one count of attempted disorderly conduct and one count of obstructing a law enforcement officer. Most of those charged were women.

For one week in November, protesters blocked shipments of Stryker vehicles and other military cargo from the Port of Olympia to Fort Lewis. The military equipment was used in the Iraq war.

Larry Hildes, a lawyer, said he was angry the charges were filed so close to the one-year statute of limitations running out.

Hildes said some of the women who were arrested Nov. 13 were forced to disrobe in plain view of policemen at the Olympia City Jail.

An increasing number of stories like this are appearing in my inbox. The incidents are either unreported in the mainstream media (as in the recent incident of Iraq War veterans being beaten by police) or, like this one, a tiny wire-service story that very few people see.


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