breaking news: canada to deport u.s. war resister - your action urgently needed

US Iraq war resister Corey Glass was told today that his application to stay in Canada has been rejected and he now faces deportation.

Glass, 25, came to Canada in August 2006 after serving in Iraq as a Military Intelligence Sergeant. "What I saw in Iraq convinced me that the war is illegal and immoral. I could not in good conscience continue to take part in it," said Glass. "I came here because Canada did not join the Iraq War. Also, I knew Canada had welcomed many Americans during the Vietnam War," Glass stated.

It is estimated that several hundred Iraq War resisters are currently in Canada, many of them living underground.

"Corey Glass would be the first Iraq War resister to be deported from Canada. He would face imprisonment and severe penalties in the US," said Lee Zaslofsky, coordinator of the War Resisters Support Campaign and a Vietnam War resister. "This goes against Canada’s tradition of welcoming Americans who disagree with policies like slavery and the Vietnam War."

On December 6, 2007, the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration called on the Canadian Government to "immediately implement a program to allow conscientious objectors and their immediate family apply for permanent resident status and remain in Canada; and...the government should immediately cease any removal or deportation actions ...against such individuals."

"The Government should implement that recommendation immediately," said author Lawrence Hill. "Corey Glass had the courage to listen to his conscience. He is working hard to build a new life in this country. He should be allowed to stay."

"We must not forget that the invasion of Iraq was a war justified only by lies, greed and stupidity for which permission was not sought nor granted to the Bush administration by the United Nations," said Alexandre Trudeau, son of Pierre Elliott Trudeau and director of the documentary film Embedded In Baghdad. "This outlaw war has ravaged the Iraqi landscape, destroyed tens of thousands of lives and sorely sapped the American treasury all while filling the coffers of profiteers."

"Those Americans who served in Iraq and have come to Canada to avoid being pressed into further participation in the indignities of the American occupation there are brave men and women of principle who should be given a chance to become landed in Canada. Like many Vietnam draft dodgers before them, their heightened sense of morality and truth can only be a benefit to our nation," Trudeau concluded.

* * * *

Tonight, please join us to hear from Iraq war resisters in their own words, a forum moderated by CBC host (and Vietnam war resister) Andy Barrie. (Innis Town Hall, University of Toronto, 2 Sussex Avenue at St. George Street & Sussex, just south of Bloor St. St. George subway.)

But right now, call Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion: 613.996.6740 or 613.996.5789. Tell him you want the Liberal Party...

  • to support the Parliamentary motion to allow Iraq War resisters to remain in Canada,

  • to oppose the deportation of people of conscience who have resisted an illegal war, and

  • to support the will of the Canadian people, not Stephen Harper’s decision to deport war resisters, and not the US's war agenda.


    Please circulate this widely!
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