a meta note

I expect traffic will be slow for a few days, as most people are out of their routines, even those who agree with me about all this silliness.

I'll be putting up a few posts that are hanging around my brain, but I want to draw your attention to my recent reader poll. Thank you to everyone who already weighed in, and to every one of you for reading and being part of this blog all year.

I also wanted to mention that Blogger now has Open ID commenting, so people who prefer to use a WordPress, LiveJournal, TypePad, AOL or whatever ID are able to.

I've never understood why people are reluctant to have more than one login. I have logins for all the different platforms, so I can comment on anyone's blog. But occasionally I receive emails from folks who say they can't comment because they don't have a Google/Blogger login. Well, if that's you, now you can. Enjoy.

If you read this blog the old-fashioned way, by going to the site and scrolling down, please check below for new posts.


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