iraq moratoriums begin tomorrow

In one of my earliest political memories, I am in the car with my mother, driving around to local stores. We have the AM car radio on, listening to updates about an anti-war demonstration in Washington DC, because my father is there with his union.

My mother tells me that, even though it is daytime, we are driving with the lights on: it's The Moratorium. She explains that everyone who is against the war in Vietnam is driving with their lights on today.

As we do our errands, my mother and I look for other lights-on cars. I feel proud and happy that my mother has her lights on, and that my father is in Washington. And although I couldn't have articulated it at the time, I feel a proud solidarity with all the other lights-on people.

That was part of the famous Vietnam Moratorium.

The Iraq Moratorium begins tomorrow.

On the third Friday of every month, Americans (and Canadians, too!) will engage in local, decentralized, personal actions against the war and occupation of Iraq.

Tomorrow, September 21st, is the first day of this growing movement.

Moratoriums are built around the most basic principles of activism. You, as an individual, can make a difference. You can use your brain, your body, your creativity, and most of all, your belief in justice, to make a statement. You can unite with others who share your beliefs, and you can all make a statement together. The statements get louder, and more frequent, and more urgent, and that is how we work for peace.

Every one of us, wherever we are, can do something to publicly say: "I am against this war. I want it to end now!"

Here are some ways you can join the Iraq Moratorium.

  • Wear an antiwar button or sticker to work or school.

  • Wear a black armband to let people know you mourn every person killed in this senseless war.

  • Wear an anti-war t-shirt to school or to the mall.

  • Keep an anti-war bumper sticker on your car.

  • Hang an anti-war sign in your window or put one on your lawn.

  • Call a local radio talk show and explain why you want this war to end.

  • Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.

  • Make a large antiwar sign or banner and hang it from a busy overpass or another highly visible location.

  • In the US, put together a small group to stand vigil in front of a military recruiting station, your local federal building, or the office of your senator or representative in Congress. It's not that hard to do: email and call five people, ask each of them to invite one other person.

  • Also in the US, call the Washington, DC, offices of your senators and your representative.

  • Blog about the Moratorium, encourage others to join in.

    Do you have other Moratorium ideas? Post them here.

    While you're thinking about peace, mark your calendar: October 27, massive international mobilization against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Canadians, see the Canadian Peace Alliance for details.

    Iraq Moratorium, third Friday of every month. Get on board!
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