the ex

As I mentioned, we went to The Ex yesterday, the Canadian National Exposition, which has been running annually for for 128 years.

That's a long time, and indeed, the most impressive thing about it. It's a fair. As Ferdzy said yesterday, a county fair on steroids. Mister Anchovy mentioned that the crowds are not what they used to be, and it's no wonder. Once upon a time, expositions - World's Fairs, National Exhibitions, call them whatever you will - were people's only glimpse of the larger - and presumably exotic - world. (I've read a lot about this, and blogged about it here.) Now it's just one entry on a long menu of entertainment options.

Yesterday was very warm, and we were all kind of tired. We did the usual: ate some junk food, unloaded some of our money on silly games, wandered through a few exhibits, and C&C went on some rides. The highlight of the day was definitely Superdogs, which course I've wanted to see since I first heard of it years ago. The show is corny and not even very extensive, but who cares, it's dogs! I love that most of the dogs are rescues, and the organization promotes animal rescue. We fell in love with several pooches and brought home a Superdogs bandana for Tala. (We're not neglecting Cody, but she wouldn't go near such a thing.)

For some reader comments and memories of The Ex, see yesterday's post, and feel free to leave your thoughts here.


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