friend of wmtc meets white stripes in whitehorse

How's that for an egocentric headline?

While Allan and I are sipping wine in our suburban backyard, and most of our friends are hanging out in Toronto, New York, London and similarly urban places, one friend of wmtc is living in a tent and clearing land to build her own house. And now I've learned that the only person I know north of latitude 60 met the White Stripes on their Yukon swing!

That's right, Dogsled_Stacie, friend of wmtc from back before we actually did the m-t-C part, met the White Stripes on their recent visit to Whitehorse. She hung out with them - demonstrated spear-throwing, I believe - and they put her on the guestlist for their instantly sold-out show, which she watched from the front row. Because a lot of people in the area couldn't get tickets, the White Stripes also played a free concert in a local park.

I am not a White Stripes fan, but if I were, I'd be freaking out over how they've embraced Canada. Even without loving their music, I am way impressed. Going up to the Yukon, the bus and bridge gig in Winnipeg, their surprise visit to a Toronto YMCA - this is the stuff of rock history.

Funny, when I heard White Stripes were in Whitehorse, I thought, gee, I wonder if Stacie saw them. She's the only person I know there. What are the odds.

More locally, plans are afoot for wmtc to meet the Yukon Yahoos live and in person. I am still very eager to travel in Canada. And although I thought our first major Canadian trip would be to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, it appears that we might go in a different direction: north. Way north. Plans are still pretty amorphous, but it looks like Dogsled Stacie may help our mushing dreams come true. More as things develop.


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