
Tonight we're going to a hockey game, Mississauga Ice Dogs at home against the Barrie Colts. We went to one Ice Dogs game last year, and this will probably be our one game this year. We'd gladly go to a few more, but they're usually playing during our work hours.

This game is a great coincidence for me. Between periods, there'll be a sledge hockey demonstration by a local junior team. I interviewed two of the players and their parents for the upcoming issue of Kids On Wheels. One of the dads is the coach, and he invited me to this game, which happened to be on a Thursday night. They'll have an information table set up, and I'll stop by with a stack of KOW magazines. I very rarely meet any of the kids I write about, so this is a treat.

It's been my personal mission to include some Canadian content in every issue of Kids On Wheels, but this last one got a little out of control. We try for geographic balance, but it's more important to balance gender, ages and disabilities. Trying for the right mix of ingredients, I inadvertently ended up with half the magazine being Canadians. So far my editor hasn't complained. Our secret march to world domination continues.

* * * *

Don't miss this comment from an ex-pat Brit in the previous thread. It's important.


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