party pics



Cody will show you around back.


Part of our backyard. We're gathered in the shade.

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More shade, and some food. Also some of our great next-door neighours.


My sister-in-law Marcie ("mkk") made the trip from New Jersey. Our nephew Dave drove from western Massachusetts, met his mom at the Buffalo airport, and they drove up to our place together. We spent Saturday evening and part of Sunday with them, which was a really special treat.


Our friends James (of wmtc commenter fame) and Lori.


S&A, fellow US defectors. They moved to Canada three days before us - and found us through my Globe & Mail essay.


Shane and his wife (not sure how to spell her name).


A nice party photo. Someone showed up without a face.

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Cody and Ellen, who lived at our place while we were in Peru.


Dave, Laura, Claudia, Allan, and some knees.

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Lori, Paul (Ellen's partner), and Dianne. Dianne and I met in an online community, long before I ever thought I'd move to Canada.

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Carlee (cleavage) and Claudia (preggers), two new friends, who I met at work.

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Maggie, Claudia's best friend.

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S, Allan, and Laura.

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Whew! It's been a long, hot day for Cody.


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  1. I'll get you my photos soon! Have to cull through them properly.

  2. Claudia wants to see your pictures of Maggie. :)

  3. I got lots of Maggie, since she was all over the place. Is it OK if I go ahead and post them to my Flickr site?

  4. Oh yeah! I told Claudia I'd send her the link after they were up.

    Maggie is so cute, and you are a good photographer, so I am curious to see them, too.

  5. They'll be up tomorrow. :) Got some nice ones of Cody too, but not so much action as with Maggie.

  6. Great photos! Our visit certainly was a treat for Dave and me! Next time Marty will join me, too, and maybe someday, Jake and Eva.

  7. oh wow L! so nice to see the pics you promised! It looks like a busy backyard, which by the way it looks very beautiful. is it the type that doesn't have fences connecting the other house behind yours? Very nice! guess I posted the book on the blog already... we'll have to get a copy of it! good day L!

  8. They're great!! I'm going to link to them in a separate post, and also send Claudia (Maggie's mom) the link. Thanks so much, James.


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