
The Blue Jays sure have been hurting the Red Sox in this series. We were psyched for last night's game, with Josh Beckett on the mound, but he didn't have his stuff, and the Jays took batting practice off him. But the Skydome roof was open, it was a warm, breezy night, the Jays fans were a little livelier than usual, and we had a good time.

With the Sox losing in the 7th inning, unable to hit Jays closer BJ Ryan, we actually left early - unheard of for us - to make our GO train. We had been up very late the night before - and sick with hangovers in the morning - and the thought of just missing a train and spending an hour in Union Station was ghastly. A good decision. An hour later, when we were about to go to sleep, the game was just ending, Blue Jays 8, Red Sox 5.

Blue Jays fans must have gotten sick of Red Sox fans turning Skydome into Fenway North whenever the Sox are in Toronto. Jays fans were present and accounted for yesterday, and many abandoned their reputations for being polite and boring. Manny Ramirez was especially well received, one time drawing the simple chant: "You Suck, You Suck, You Suck"! Good for them - and how very un-Toronto!

Rumours of a big food-court upgrade in Skydome are unwarranted. The concourses have been renovated, and they look nice, but there's still only traditional ballpark food. Jays ownership should get with the program and go for the variety found in so many parks now. Allan and I still talk about the grilled wild salmon on baguettes with garlic fries that we ate in Seattle's Safeco Field.

* * * *

I took the day off yesterday, for a playdate with Redsock and RFV. I wasn't at the computer all day - an incredibly rare treat. Ray left early this morning, and we have a few days of normal life before my mother arrives next week.

There were a ton of comments yesterday, so I think instead of posting anything new, I'll catch up on your conversations.


  1. The Blue Jays sure have been hurting the Red Sox in this series.

    Ha ha, our Americans are better than your Americans. :)

    Um... Wait... uhhh... :(

  2. My mother always called the 92/93 World Series the "Our Dominicans are better than your Dominicans" Series.

    We've had sushi at Skydome -- has that gone away this year?

  3. We've had sushi at Skydome -- has that gone away this year?

    Yes! The first time we were there, in '04, there was sushi, but I couldn't find it in '05 and it hasn't come back. Rats.

    My mother always called the 92/93 World Series the "Our Dominicans are better than your Dominicans" Series.


    Some stuff has been written about the makeup of the current Jays team being very white. This is one case where it's nearly impossible to believe that's down to racism. Simply a fluke of the mix.

    Baseball's front-office is finally growing more integrated, too. It's been a long time coming, but it does seem to be happening.

  4. This is one case where it's nearly impossible to believe that's down to racism. Simply a fluke of the mix.

    Yeah -- if you throw a bunch of coloured marbles into a bag and grab a handful, you'll occasionally get all one colour just by chance. It's only if it always happens that you have to start wondering if something odd's going on.

    We only ever found the sushi on the 200 level (our favourite, because of the balance between cost of the seat and upholstery)... Did you look there?

  5. We only ever found the sushi on the 200 level (our favourite, because of the balance between cost of the seat and upholstery)... Did you look there?

    No!! Not this time. Rats. We were on the 100 level - Ray doesn't have a lot of opportunity to see the Sox, so we wanted the best seats possible.

    I'll remember to look there next time. Ballpark junk food just isn't tasty enough to be worth the fat, salt and chemical content. I eat it, but I'd just as soon not.

  6. Whenever anyone in the media writes about this, players from places like the Dominican Republic are not counted as "black". Only US-born dark-skinned players qualify. It's weird.

    The Jays are not lily white -- see Wells, Rios, and Molina.


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