
Ahhh, how wonderful to come home to Canada. I love it every time.

The trip home was fine, just exhausting, especially for me, since I was up all night on the flight from Lima. Apparently everyone but me can sleep sitting up. I don't know how they do it (except for those lucky ducks lying down in business class), but everyone was snoring away except me.

Clearing immigration and customs in JFK, we missed our flight to Buffalo, but JetBlue got us on the next one, only 90 minutes later. That gave us time for breakfast and some badly-needed freshening up.

When the US immigration official at JFK welcomed us back to the US, Allan and I smiled knowingly at each other, since we were planning to be there only for a few hours, and we weren't quite home yet.

Port Credit looks so beautiful. Everything is green and blooming, the birds are singing in full throat, and our backyard is full of wildflowers. Some people call them weeds, but weeds, like beauty, are in the eye of the beholder, and I declare these flowers beautiful.

The seeding and fertilizing that was done while we were gone made a big improvement on the lawn. It's not a lush, green carpet, but it's not a dirt patch anymore, either. Right now it's raining, so large puddles have formed, as usual. I haven't seen rain in 3 weeks and I can't say I missed it.

Ellen the Incredible Dogsitter had cleaned the house and put some food in the fridge. She and Cody had a great three weeks. Cody was very happy to see us, but not insane with joy, as we expected. She's lucky she goes through life on such an even keel.

I'm about to overwhelmed: several stories for Kids On Wheels and New Mobility, my new work hours (beginning a week from tomorrow), plans for a wedding we're attending in early June, and plans for our own party. I'll be making lists and trying not to freak out.

How are you all? What's new, personally and in Canada? Anything new on the emigration front with the moving-to-Canada crew? Feel free to direct me to any and all relevant websites.

I have some Canada-vs-US-related thoughts to come. I'm planning to get back to the usual mix of personal and political, and end the "what I did today" portion of this blog.


  1. Apparently everyone but me can sleep sitting up. I don't know how they do it (except for those lucky ducks lying down in business class), but everyone was snoring away except me.

    Just wait until airlines start implementing those "standing seats" they've been talking about...

  2. everyone was snoring away except me

    Wow, can I relate to this. Not even in business class can I sleep. I've got to be totally horizontal, and I can't afford that fancy new first class on BA (and other airlines) where you really can be horizontal.

    Anyway, welcome back to Canada! (If US Immigration can welcome you back to the USA even though you don't live here, I can welcome you back to Canada, even though I don't live there!)

  3. I've never flown business class. I'd like to imagine I'd sleep there, but perhaps not!

    The only time I've flown left of the curtain, I was 21 years old, poor, and flying home from San Francisco by myself. The flight was oversold and a kind attendant asked if I'd mind flying in 1st class to NYC! I was disappointed that I couldn't stay awake! All I wanted to do was eat better food, drink for free and enjoy the cushiness.

    (If US Immigration can welcome you back to the USA even though you don't live here, I can welcome you back to Canada, even though I don't live there!)

    Absolutely, why not! Thank you. :)

  4. MSS, I just realized you are Fruits & Votes! How cool. You have an amazing site there. A little intimidating, that.

  5. All 150 of us will eat hamburgers, play boardgames, embarrass ourselves dancing, and maybe sack a small town or something.

    Wow, sounds fantastic. Congratulations to Wryette nevertheless. And I hope your office moved to higher ground, based on your recent Googlemaps post.

  6. A little bit of a bump in the plans, but still aiming for a Labour Day BBQ Party if we can swing it....check out LWB

  7. Duh, By the way, welcome home :-)

  8. Welcome back home!

    Not much to report from us. I expect we won't hear from CIC again until March or April next year.

    Meanwhile, living vicariously through wmtc, LWB, and the CBC. (LBJ took the IRT ...)

    Speaking of politics (were we?) ... May I mention how disgusted I am with Howard Dean and his suck-up performance for the theocrats. That nonsense is why I don't give the DNC a dime and refuse to count myself among them. That is why I believe the Democrats are only "better" than the Republicans by degree, not in kind.

    When will the USA get a genuine, functional, viable opposition party -- or (imagine!) -- parties? (In best Mike Meyers impersonation): Discuss ...

  9. Thanks Nick! I'll be over there shortly. Hoping it's a small bump, and easily solved...

    May I mention how disgusted I am with Howard Dean and his suck-up performance for the theocrats. That nonsense is why I don't give the DNC a dime and refuse to count myself among them. That is why I believe the Democrats are only "better" than the Republicans by degree, not in kind.

    What he said. Totally.

  10. welcome home :)

    still waiting for the work permit, on this side of the border... today i suddenly felt like jumping into my car and just driving up there for the weekend, the waiting is driving me crazy!

  11. today i suddenly felt like jumping into my car and just driving up there for the weekend,

    Hold that thought until the weekend of our party!!


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