
From long-time friend of wmtc Crabbi:

Steve Almond, a former professor at Boston College, quit his job after learning that Condoleezza Rice was invited to speak at graduation. In an open letter to the president of the college, Almond said: "I cannot, in good conscience, exhort my students to pursue truth and knowledge, then collect a paycheck from an institution that displays such flagrant disregard for both."

Here's Almond's letter in the Boston Globe.

I hope some Boston College students exercise their precious First Amendment rights at their graduation ceremony. Standing up with their backs to the speaker, giant banners, or over-ripe tomatoes would all be useful protest tools.


  1. One of the more disgusting things from the current government was when our foreign minister went to meet Condi and told her "I've always been a fan of yours!"

    My father said he wanted to write to the state department to let them know that McKay was speaking only for himself, and not for all (or even many) Canadians. That pretty much summed up my reaction too, except with more nausea.

  2. Writing the state department is a really good idea. McKay is indeed sickening.

  3. Hey, thanks for the link, Laura!

    Something tells me the graduates wil find a way to protest. I like your ideas; in addition, they could boo, or even better, hum loudly and tunelessly.


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