
Some months back, a publisher contacted me about reprinting my Roe v. Wade essay. I just got a copy of the book in the mail, and I'm so pleased.

The piece is being used in a series called "Issues On Trial"; this edition is on Reproductive Rights. I believe they're mainly used in public and school libraries.

The main headings are: Upholding Involutary Sterilization Laws - Buck v. Bell (1927); Legalizing Contraception - Griswold v. Connecticut (1965); Legalizing Abortion - Roe v. Wade (1973); Disputing the Fate of Frozen Embryos - A.Z. v. B.Z. (2000). For each, there's an overview of the Supreme Court case and decision, then between four and seven opinion pieces.

It's just a wee bit strange to see my name in the brief table of contents, alongside Oliver Wendell Holmes, Harry Blackmun and Stephen Jay Gould! I have no idea why the editor chose my piece, but it was a nice bit of luck. Something every writer can use once a decade or so.


  1. It's just a wee bit strange to see my name in the brief table of contents, alongside Oliver Wendell Holmes, Harry Blackmun and Stephen Jay Gould!

    August company indeed! Congrats.

  2. Congrats Laura!

    "feminista thumbsucker."

    You got to love their creativity...

  3. Congratulations.

    I was called a feminazi once by a man who just couldn't understand why I wouldn't "put on a dress" and go to his church.

    He didn't say it to me - he said it to my grandson. I reported him to his Bishop but in a way it was a compliment.

  4. Thanks all. :)

    I figure I've "made it" when the right wingers call me names!

    I know! That's why I enjoyed the stupid attacks I used to get from wingnuts on this blog. After I while I tired of it and just found it irritating. But if our lives and ideas make the close-minded bigots angry, we're on the right track.

  5. What, my snarky faux-comments don't count?

    Now I'm offended! You buncha commenazis!

  6. Your faux snarks are in a class by themselves. You've crippled the wingnut movement in ways you probably don't even realize. (Am I close?)

    You buncha commenazis!

    Commenazis! Oo, good one. :-D

  7. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Harry Blackmun, and Laura?

    Wow, those are some big names there. Now I want to come to your party more than ever so at least I get to pee perhaps not next to you, but with you under the same roof. You will let me use your bathroom, right?

    And OMG! In a lakeside neighborhood :^D

  8. You will let me use your bathroom, right?

    I'll consider it.

    And OMG! In a lakeside neighborhood :^D

    :D You goof.


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