cody day

It's Cody Day, the anniversary of the day we adopted her, in 1999. Sweet Cody Brown, quiet, quirky, low-key, loves all people, intimidated by but curious about most other dogs. Never makes a sound, barely affectionate, likes to be alone, don't do that to me!, but ok you can pet my head, can I have your food? no? goodbye. Cody the survivor, from the streets of Jackson Heights, Queens, briefly slave to our little Clyde, then master of tough-boy Buster, now a strangely silent presence, enjoying her backyard.

Here's classic Cody of the Sad Brown Eyes.


Yesterday Ellen came over, the person who'll stay at the house and take care of Cody while we're in Peru. Ellen's looking forward to the change, and to spring in beautiful Port Credit, and Cody will have a blast.

This is the first time in many years that I'll go away without worrying. Several people took care of Buster during his lifetime, but between his copious medical issues and his aggression towards other dogs, I never fully relaxed about it. I always worried. But Cody will do great, and barely notice our absence.

* * * *

Also today, in the middle of pre-vacation busy-ness, we have the next play in our Soulpepper subscription, American Buffalo. I'm looking forward to it.


  1. Speaking of which, how are you enjoying the theatre subscription?

  2. Happy Cody Day. Again strange to read this just after posting about my uncle and his penchant for adopting unwanted animals. Good for you ~ another devalued life re-valued.

  3. Happy Cody Day. Too bad that I don't have "Noah Day" because I did not document the date when I adopted him. I should post his adoption story, but there is a childhood dog story that I have been working on, but am still trying to locate the picture of me and the dog. It's somewhere in my sister's garage.

    He loves people, but isn't very affectionate?

  4. Speaking of which, how are you enjoying the theatre subscription?

    A lot! I'll post on it today.

  5. Good for you ~ another devalued life re-valued.

    I wish I could take them all... :<(

  6. Too bad that I don't have "Noah Day" because I did not document the date when I adopted him.

    No?? Such an important date! But then, I'm big on anniversaries.

    Do you know the exact date you came to the US?

    I should post his adoption story, but there is a childhood dog story that I have been working on, but am still trying to locate the picture of me and the dog. It's somewhere in my sister's garage.

    I'd like to read either story - or both.

    He loves people, but isn't very affectionate?

    Good question. I'll explain.

    All our other dogs had an endless capacity to give and receive affection. They seemed to never tire of kissing us, always wanted to be pet, always wanted to be in whatever room we were. Buster was extreme this way - he always had to be touching us. He would move his paw or his head to be in contact with our feet. It was so sweet. But all our dogs were SO affectionate.

    Cody, not so much. She gives kisses and likes to be pet to a degree, but she'll walk away. Lots of time she prefers to be alone, she stays by herself in another room. And she gets antsy or annoyed if we give her a big hug or touch her too much.

    But on the other hand, she wags her tail at every stranger, greets anyone who comes over - landlord, mailman, cable guy, anyone - with a wagging tail, lets strangers pet her immediately, never barks at anyone.

    We joke that she loves everyone else more than she likes us. At least I think it's a joke.

  7. I'm glad you posted this. I wondered how the transition was going since Buster's passing.

  8. So have you been actively seeking another dog to adopt?

    No (L may elaborate).

  9. I'm glad you posted this. I wondered how the transition was going since Buster's passing.

    Thanks, K-g. :) In many ways, life is much easier. I have a lot less worries and anxieties, and things to plan.

    At the same time, I still miss B so much. Sometimes I think of that last day, holding him in the vet's office, and tears come to my eyes instantly.

    It amazes me how much I still miss him. Perhaps it shouldn't. I guess that's the way love is.

    I know you know what I mean. Your internet name says that. *sad smile*

  10. Yes, I do know the exact date I came to the United States. In fact, I blogged about it here, and you commented on it.

    [slapping forehead] Oh yeah! I remember now. Coincidentally, that post was just after Buster's death.

    Your comment reminds me to blog about how I came with the name David. It is a bit embarassing.

    Tell! Tell! :)

    So have you been actively seeking another dog to adopt?

    As Allan said, no. No way. I'm just not ready. And I'm enjoying the ease of having one mellow dog. Buster was SO high maintenance, SO expensive, in many ways we were just emotionally and physically drained from his illnesses and his death, and we just need to relax in the dog department right now.

  11. Mouse likes people without being affectionate, as well.

    Great pic. :)

  12. Awww, I'm sorry I'm behind in my reading. Happy anniversary pretty girl!!

    We joke that she loves everyone else more than she likes us. At least I think it's a joke.

    They like to keep us on our toes... ;))


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