oh bloody hell

Damn. After the BBC producer interviewed me, she explained the format of the show and who would be on. I told her I didn't want to be involved in a debate format, an American-style shouting match.

She assured me that wouldn't be the case. She said it was gentle discussion, each person given their say, all points of views represented - not a debate.

Then they don't even call me til the show is half over, and there's a conservative talk-show host spouting inanities about Michael Moore and the "Northeast media". The next thing I know I'm debating US abortion rights with someone whose position is "That's a blatant lie!". The man lived in the US for five years, he should know, right? Well, I'm a 25-year veteran of the reproductive rights movement, and my claims are facts. What's more, most American women don't even know how tenuous the right to abortion is right now - why would a conservative Canadian man know?!

Damn. I'm annoyed. I hate debating with those types and never would have wanted to do it on the air.

I sat down to email my dissatisfaction to the producer, but she had already emailed me to apologize. She wrote some very nice things, and I'm sure, as she says, it was out of her control.

I know this is what happens when you deal with the media - you can't control how your message is used, or even if it's heard. But it's hard to resist a chance to try.

Well, if you were listening, I hope I didn't sound like a complete git. If you weren't listening, I'm relieved!


  1. I hate debating with those types and never would have wanted to do it on the air.

    What debate? You stated facts in a logical manner and the Limbaugh-wannabe talked louder and offered stupid bluster.

    The host really fell down on the job in not cutting off the back-and-forth much earlier (after all, it wasn't a discussion of abortion rights in Canada and the US).

    And by giving "Rush" so much airtime, it seemed like he was co-hosting the show.

    Plus they didn't plug the blog!

  2. I didn't hear but it sounds like a big bummer to me! :(

  3. i'm sorry-you're right-things often get messed up when dealing with the media.

    crap, I'm sorry I missed it.

  4. crap, I'm sorry I missed it.

    You're very sweet, but I'm glad you did.

  5. I'm sorry I missed it too.

    There's very little anyone can do, at least not on those shows, when they're sandbagged. I'm sure you acquitted yourself admirably and more people may have heard your viewpoint than you realize.

    It's not a debate, it's two against one.

    You were dealing with "my mind is made up, don't confuse me with the facts". No way to combat it; they're not interested in the truth, they just want to score points.

  6. more people may have heard your viewpoint than you realize.

    Hey, thank you for reminding me of this. It's what I've told myself any time I've done anything in the media. You're right.

    No way to combat it; they're not interested in the truth, they just want to score points.

    True. That's why I try to avoid those types of "debates". In this case, as you said, it was a surprise attack. All you can do is all you can do.

    Thanks you guys.

  7. Fortunately most of us recognize a bully when we hear one, so cheer up. I'm sure you communicated a few good points. Still, I'm sorry I missed it. I was about 5 minutes too late.

  8. Typical right wing bullying tactics. What the hell is wrong with the world anyway? When is the pendulem going to stary swinging the other way again? Sorry you had a rough time Laura.

  9. We figured the conservative would be a conservative voter -- not a guy with a conservative radio show.

    The producers clearly knew what they were getting. I guess they assumed they could always apologize to Laura afterwards if she complained.

    What's crazy is that the Limbaugh wannabe wasn't a typical Canadian conservative at all. If he was, he wouldn't have shot off his mouth about Michael Moore.

    I mean, really, who in Canada gives a shit about Michael Moore in this election campaign? That comment was a huge red flag.

    With that comment and his "debating" tactics, he revealed himself to be just another US wingnut. Trust us, we know the type.

  10. Oh bloody hell, I'm so sorry. This is why we aren't much more fond of Britain than America, around here. This sounds very unlike the BBC, but wingnuts can form their own gravity well and warp space accordingly.

    The program seems to be available online for a while (the next 24 hours, I presume). Would you rather we all just give it a pass?

  11. I'm sure you were brilliant, and I was going to ask if they archived the show, but I think I'll follow Wrye's lead and ask if you'd rather we not listen. (Even though I know you kicked ass.)

  12. Hey Laura, I caught it on the archives just now. Those conservatives did what they always do -- blocked your very well-formed opinion. If you read conservative blogs, most of them seem to attack anyone who disagrees by getting them off the actual topic. They're adept at it. The entire party of conservatives is now and has always been nothing but argumentative troublemakers who don't give a wit about Canada or Canadians.

    You were great. For a new Canadian, you kick butt really well :)

    I'm glad I caught it because the old timer Canadians who called in were dead on. I was laughing at the guy near the end who said Canadians "don't really care what the rest of the world thinks" because that's so true. The USA and the world spends so much time putting us down because it bugs the hell out of them that we don't care what they think.

    You're ok ;) Don't worry about it. I agree with others who said the interviewers screwed up big time. And the person who wrote in anonymously vindicated you really well. They aired a very biased program, pro-con, which is b.s.

    So Good Job Laura! Don't sweat it :) And keep speaking up.

  13. Just want to clarify my comment about Conservatives being argumentative troublemakers. I meant that in terms of how they handle politics. As individuals, many of them are fine people. I'm not saying I don't like people who are conservative. I just don't find their political values or aims humane on the whole and think they're too ambitious for their own good. Again, that's just my opinion.

  14. The program seems to be available online for a while (the next 24 hours, I presume). Would you rather we all just give it a pass?

    Wrye, you're very sweet for asking. (And you too Crabbi.) Go ahead and listen if you like, by all means. Keep in mind that I was told I would not be debating, and wasn't expecting to! But if you feel like listening, I would love an honest (not just trying-to-make-me-feel-better) assessment of how I sounded. Something to take away from a sour experience.

    Echo Mouse: thank you much. :)

  15. I'm glad I caught it because the old timer Canadians who called in were dead on.

    Just to clarify, none of the people on the show had called in. They were all chosen by the producer and interviewed in advance.

    And the person who wrote in anonymously vindicated you really well. They aired a very biased program, pro-con, which is b.s.

    I agree. Who is this anonymous person, where is the comment? If you come back around, let me know, ok?

    Thanks again for your kind words.

  16. Sad that they couldn't find a rational conservative to speak on the show. (There are ones out there, but most of the attention is focused on the nutballs.)

  17. Sad that they couldn't find a rational conservative to speak on the show.

    I doubt they looked very hard. They emailed me two hours before the show. In my (albeit limited) experience, that's how those things are usually put together.

  18. I see what you mean. Regardless of the apologies, it looks like a setup. Is there a way I can listen or see you?

  19. Hey Dr Marco. You can go to the BBC radio site, look for "World Have Your Say" and see if the 17 January programme is archived. I don't know if it will be there, but you can try.

  20. At the very end of the program, they let an anonymous email have the last word. The person did not sign their name but said they were Canadian and would only sign it as "Anonymous". They said it was terrible and wrong of BBC to air a program about Canada's election which was pro-conservative, as that certainly isnt't he flavour in Canada. They said the BBC should be ashamed of themselves for misrepresenting Canada that way :) LOL

    Then the BBC journalists heading the program begged "Anonymous" to call back and write again! They took the criticism well and didn't let the conservative talking nuts respond it, so it was good. It immediately made me think of them cutting off your mike. That emailer backed up their intention with the program and gave them hell for it. I loved it :)

  21. At the very end of the program, they let an anonymous email have the last word. The person did not sign their name but said they were Canadian and would only sign it as "Anonymous". They said it was terrible and wrong of BBC to air a program about Canada's election which was pro-conservative, as that certainly isnt't he flavour in Canada. They said the BBC should be ashamed of themselves for misrepresenting Canada that way :)

    COOL!!! Wow. Very cool. Thanks again, Echo Mouse. You are doing me a world of good this morning. :)


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