what i'm watching: the rick mercer report report

I just watched the season opener of The Rick Mercer Report that Allan taped for me. The nicest thing I can say is that I'll give it several episodes, and not make up my mind based on this one. It was just... nothing.

As far as Mercer's famous rant segment, you folks who post here at wmtc are at least as smart and funny. Hell, Lone Primate and G could whip Rick's ass from here til next Tuesday.

But don't worry, I'll keep watching and see how it goes.

Some observations unrelated to quality.

The "My Riding" segment actually went somewhere I've been, the Danforth, which is an amazing coincidence, because I've mostly only been within a few blocks of my house. Mercer and Jack Layton also had a beer at a pub Allan and I have been to (and really enjoyed), thanks to a great recommendation from Marnie. We've been to like four places in all of Toronto, and this show goes to one of them. I thought that was great. (Thanks for not giving that away, you guys.)

Certain soon-to-be-Canadian-resident reader, please note, Mercer and Layton also visited the Oxi Parade on the Danforth, which Layton described as commemorating "the day the Greeks said no to the fascists". (Soon we will celebrate the day Canada said yes to Nick and Mason!)

And my final observation on the Rick Mercer Report: I understood all of it! Yay me.


  1. From your lips to the Canadian Immigration Offical's ear :-)

  2. I've stopped watching Rick Mercer simply because CBC keeps chaning the night it is on. I can't keep up. Oh, and I am sorry that I recommended DaVinci's Inquest. It has morphed into the ponderous DaVinci's City Hall. It's a snore fest now.

  3. Oh, and I am sorry that I recommended DaVinci's Inquest. It has morphed into the ponderous DaVinci's City Hall. It's a snore fest now.

    Good to know. I see ads for it, it looked Law & Order-ish. I don't watch much TV (mainly movies) so I never need more shows to try! :)

  4. To be honest, Rick Mercer's famous rants on This Hour has 22 Minutes were not really hilariously funny, but he had a way of saying things that a great many Canadians agreed with, no matter what their political leanings. I think Rex Murphy has a similar quality. It must be a Newfoundland trait to be able to clearly identify bulls**t.

  5. Thou hast hit the nail on the head. 22 minutes in general, and Mercer in particular, thrive on the bleak and black outlook that drives Newfoundland humour.

    As witness, think of the season that Colin Mochrie replaced Mercer. He didn't quite fit--not because he wasn't funny, but because his humour was a different flavour than the other three.

    I haven't seen the new season, since CBC has placed Rick opposite America's Top Model (which my beloved loves), so not sure if there's rust there or not, but it's a real problem for any outsider comic, once they become popular--how can Mercer possibly stay a bitter cynical outsider while becoming a cuddly CBC icon? Jon Stewart is beginning to have a similar problem of being hampered by his own hype. So long as they don't go the Dennis Miller route, I'll be happy enough.

  6. I think this means we're recommending LG check out Rex Murphy's essay collection, eh Rob?

  7. I think this means we're recommending LG check out Rex Murphy's essay collection, eh Rob?

    Absolutely. Rex Murphy and HNIC are the only things on CBC I watch.

  8. I think Rex Murphy should replace Don Cherry. Now THERE's some outrside the box thinking for the Mother Corp!

  9. I think Rex Murphy should replace Don Cherry.

    I don't know. There's a lot of potential for a repeat of the whole Dennis Miller-Monday Night Football fiasco.

  10. I saw Rex Murphy on CBC, and have also read him in the G&M. I was like, who is this guy??? I barely knew what to think.

    since CBC has placed Rick opposite America's Top Model (which my beloved loves),

    Why do I have trouble envisioning our Wryebrarian cuddling up with a fan of America's Top Model...?

    it's a real problem for any outsider comic, once they become popular

    So, so true. Jon Stewart - as much as I love him - is losing some of his edge. The best example is probably SNL, if anyone here (besides me) is old enough to remember when they were the Not Ready For Prime Time Players, and outsiders. When anything "outside" - music, art, comedy - achieves mainstream popularity, it's always a problem for the original audience.


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