
I'm off this morning for my first trip back to the Old Country. I'll be staying at my mom's, also seeing my sister and her family, my dear friend NN and a certain dog-loving fan of wmtc.

Poor Allan, after working a 14-hour shift yesterday (and that after two 11-hour days) now has to drag himself out of bed to drive me to Buffalo. When I made the reservations, he didn't have the job yet.

So what will Redsock do while I'm gone? Will he (a) paint the accent wall in the bedroom, (b) attach the blades to the ceiling fan, (c) rent every episode of South Park on DVD, or (d) never leave his computer except for dog-walks? My guess is some combination of the above, involving South Park, computers and maybe, just maybe, a can of paint. We have a love-hate relationship with South Park. He loves it. I hate it.

Have a good week, everyone. I'll be back Thursday afternoon - and Allan is taping Rick Mercer.


  1. Ha! I was going to mention taping Rick Mercer. Glad you've got things covered. Bon voyage!

  2. Have a nice trip...remember to treat the Americans nicely :-)

    BTW, I love South Park I think Allen and I will get along well

  3. Lori & I are that way with Ren & Stimpy; she's not too keen on them.

    Out of curiousity, how many people here saw the orignial South Park video Christmas card, the one that led to the creation of the TV series?

  4. But wait, can't you get a train from Toronto to Buffalo?

    ... yes, the Maple Leaf. The big problem is that the schedules aren't the greatest; if you went out to Oakville you'd have to catch the train at 8:55am, and it would take about 4 hours to pass through the maple curtain and get into Buffalo.

  5. What happened to (d)?

    Actually, I may rent a few seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm to see all the bonus stuff. L loves the show, but can't watch more than one episode per day (if that). Me, I could watch Larry David all day and night.

    And ... The Colbert Report finally debuts up here tonight!

    (I wonder if L will post via her mom's dial-up connection.)

  6. Yes, I will. :)

    What happened to (d)? Good question. I deleted something that might be vaguely offensive, then forgot to renumber! Oops.

    A train to Buffalo - and then what? Somehow that doesn't seem like a good way to get to the airport. Thank goodness we can go door-to-door now.

    See you all Thursday!

  7. I guess we'll just have to forget to be vaguely offended, then.

    Go Sabres?

  8. I'm surprised L-girl; no comments about the French Riots by Muslim Youth? It must be Bush's fault too, right. I guess Radical Islam is just something made up in some neo-con thinktank. I guess you'll sit in Toronto and watch Paris burn to the ground by Islamofascist youth and revel in your so called ideological superiority. But what do I know, I'm a dumb American, right?

  9. You might be a dumb American, or you might be a dumb Canadian. But you are definitely a dumb coward who insists on hiding behind anonymity.

    If you want to debate, than go for it. Present an issue you feel strongly about, and people will be glad to argue with you in a civilized manner. But stop being a little weenie who insists on ad-homonym attacks while hiding behind the crutch of anonymity.

  10. Thanks, Liam J, I couldn't have said it better myself!

    I wonder... Through another blog, I did find a racist post about the Paris riots. I left a comment to the effect that the religion of the rioters was irrelevant. I used my name, of course. I wonder if the owner of that blog is back to tell me a thing or two, but is too much of a wuss to actually stand and debate.

    Or perhaps it's that same anonymous commenter who appears every so often to ask why I'm not blogging about something - the Iraqi "constitution" or some other bullshit.

    Ah well. As the sig line goes, "Never argue with an idiot - they drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."

  11. It's important to remember with the riots in France that these are economic riots, not religious riots. People, tired of feeling like second-class citizens, were sparked into outrage by an incident against one of their own, much as various "race riots" in the US have been in the past. The French riots are no more "Islamofacist" than the Rodney King riots were "NationOfIslamofacist".

    The suggestion that anyone would suggest the riots are Bush's fault is just inane. French economic policy regarding immigrants has been a huge problem, and Chirac has managed things abysmally. Unlike some, most of us can appreciate that social dynamics are very complex, with multiple causes, multiple faults, and multiple outcomes.

  12. Don't forget France's Interior Minister throwing gasoline on the fire.

  13. And LG hasn't commented on the Terrell Owens situation either, Anonymous. C'mon, don't get lazy now. The fate of the Republic rests on your ability to harrass an emigrant. The President and the NFL is counting on you to make the points that will convince her to come back to the Home of the Free. Pick up the pace, man! You have to bring your A-game around here!

  14. Have a good trip L.
    Funny that you mention South Park. My son pulled a VHS tape of South Park out of the basement yesterday (where we keep all the things not to be viewed by those of tender years). He couldn't figure out why I wouldn't let him watch it since it has cartoon type characters on the package. Ah, the good old days. I haven't watched South Park for years. I'll have to do that again some day. :-)

  15. Hi L-girl,

    Found your blog through David Cho's blog. I'm interested because I am in the beginning stages of immigration to Canada (submitted application in July 2005). I lived in Canada, downtown Toronto to be precise, for 6 years, and loved it (still do). Contrary to some comments here, I encountered anti-American feeling but never as an American had people treat me unkindly when they found out--they always went out of their way to assure me that they did not hate Americans. Then again, I'm not a typical American--whatever that means.

    I notice from an earlier post that you are in Port Credit--I'm very familiar with that area. My church is in Oakville, close by, and I've spent reasonable amounts of time in PC. A lot of people who are part of my church come from Port Credit.

    All the best.

  16. A thinker, thanks for this nice comment, and welcome to wmtc. Good luck with your application. Please feel free to update me as you go along.

  17. James, do you have a source for that health care info? I'd like to blog on it if you have some links.

    And re garage doors, WTF???

  18. Oops, wait, I just noticed you linked to the WHO site. All those stats are from that site?


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