new rule

As of right now, we move to canada will no longer accept anonymous comments.

I'm sick of these stupid anonymous comments. I used to enjoy responding to them, and didn't mind deleting them if I found them early enough, but now I'm just finding them tiresome and irritating. I'm sorry if this inconveniences anyone. ALPF, please register! As ALPF, of course.

I'll see how this goes, and if I don't like it, I'll change it back. Thanks for understanding.


  1. L, I certainly agree with your annoyance at having to read "tiresome and irritating" comments posted by "Anonymous." I wonder, though, about the concept of blog anonymity. What's in a name? Wmtc's Anonymous simply chose a name with the connotation of hiding one's identity. The rest of us chose other names. You happen to know my identity because you recognize my initials and know that I am your sister-in-law -- proud to claim that status and unafraid to reveal my own identity. Who are those who call themselves Wrye, orc, and Marnie? If you click on their names in their postings, you find no identifying information, just as you wouldn't if you were to click on mine. My point is that Anonymous is not hiding, any more than the rest of us are. He/she just represents a point of view that is opposite ours and, therefore, tiresome and irritating to you and me, because we are both quite opinionated!

  2. Except that anonymous could be anyone. There's only one Wrye, orc, Marnie, and me, but blogger simply marks guest comments as anonynmous. You have no idea where it came from.

    However, this is the Internet, and there is good reason not to reveal all info. I mean, my first name really is Kyle, and I do live in Ottawa, but I'm unwilling to reveal more than that publicly here. I mean, I read this blog and comment here during downtime here at work. I'm free to express political opinions, but if they get associated with my company, that would get me in trouble. So a degree of anonoymity is necessary.

  3. My point is that Anonymous is not hiding, any more than the rest of us are. He/she just represents a point of view that is opposite ours and, therefore, tiresome and irritating to you and me, because we are both quite opinionated!

    Not so. I know Wrye, Lone Primate, Marnie, Crabletta, G, Niko, ALPF, orc, Kyahgirl and many others because they consistently comment under these chosen names. They show themselves, and they are available to receive and respond comments on their comments. They may or may not use their real-life names, but their names represent them nonetheless.

    I have emailed with many or most wmtc readers off-blog, and I can leave comments on their blogs if I choose. They're not hiding.

    Anonymous commenters are not available for return comments, for discussion and debate. They are "hit and run" commenters. In the culture of the blogosphere, it's considered cowardly at best.

    It's very possible this tiresome anonymous commenter - who, by the way, has been leaving comments on wmtc for a long, long time, there's a long history there - is someone who also comments on the blog under another persona, but doesn't want these nasty comments attached to him. (It's almost surely a him.)

    Commenting anonymously - without signing the post, because leaving a signed comment is really the same as logging in - is a way of short-circuiting any discussion, and a way of making sure I can't respond on their blog.

  4. He/she just represents a point of view that is opposite ours and, therefore, tiresome and irritating to you and me, because we are both quite opinionated!

    There are several wmtc readers whose opinions I disagree with. David Cho and Rob are the most notable examples. They are both good blog-friends who respect wmtc as my territory and save comments which would only inflame for their own blogs. I in turn don't give very contrary opinions on their turf. That's just good manners.

    The anonymous commenter I'm so sick of doesn't voice opinions. His only purpose is to needle me. I'm sure he'll be glad to see he's recently become effective.

  5. I understand your point about blog culture and etiquette. However, that doesn't change the fact that if a wmtc reader wanted to e-mail me off-blog, they would not be able to do so, because I have not posted any contact information and I don't have a blog. I suppose that makes my almost anonymous, too. The only difference is that I always post under the same blogname, mkk. Theoretically, Anonymous could be any number of people, though I know you don't think so, because you recognize "his" consistent views and belligerent tone.

  6. And, as Kyle pointed out, there can only be one mkk. No one else can register under your name. So you are consistently yourself. You've chosen to not be available via email, but anyone can discuss or debate your ideas up front.

    There have certainly been many anonymous commenters on wmtc - they're not all the same people. This one anon's comments are easily recognized. They're always basically the same.

    I think it comes down to a big breach of etiquette. It's an etiquette that evolved naturally through the blogosphere community, not imposed from above or out of past traditions. The "hit and run" comments are a cowardly way of interacting. The commenter doesn't have the control or poise to keep his/her mouth shut, but also lacks either the skills or guts (or both) for real interaction.

  7. I fully endorse your decision. Until I'd stumbled upon your blog, I wasn't aware of the level of vitriol expatriates receive, though I guess it doesn't surprise me. The way I see it, although the blogosphere is in the arena of public discourse, your blog is your home. You welcome people to comment, you have the right to remove comments, and you have the right to demand that no masked visitors show up just to cause trouble.

    Although "peregrinato" is not my name, it is my online identity, and it is very easy (just visit my blog) to contact me and know who I am.

  8. You are entirely entitled to do what you feel is right for you and your blog. I am so tired of hearing people argue about having comments or not, how to manage comments, how not to manage comments... it's really up to the individual and that is how it should stay, period.

    I'm glad you're keeping comments. It is really no hassle to register, although someone should really create some sort of "valid commenter" service that would authenticate your comment on any blog regardless of which system they use.

    I missed your blog when you were gone! More dog pictures, please...

  9. I didn't even know people argued and discussed what to do about comments. It's certainly up to each blogger to do what she/he wants.

    I would never turn off comments altogether. This blog has created a community, much to my surprise and constant happiness. Reader participation is what makes it interesting for me.

    And thank you Elin, it's nice to be missed!

  10. this moran (or morans (how do you know it's all one guy?)) could regsiter as "o'reilly's falafel" or something and leave his stupid comments.

    (but them he'd be known as that persona all over the place)

    it wouldn't take *that* much more work -- still, perhaps he's really as stupid as he seems, and i've now given the game away.



    and yes, people could find out who i am (my blog(s) link to a book i wrote under my real name), but really, hiding your ID online seems a bit overblown. is someone going to go to the trouble of tracking me down? probably not.

  11. but really, hiding your ID online seems a bit overblown. is someone going to go to the trouble of tracking me down? probably not.

    I've always thought this too. Many people, however, have to conceal their identity because of their work. Don't want to get dooced.

    But other than that, the whole "don't reveal your ID on the internet" thing doesn't make much sense. There's no real danger.

  12. **"new rule"**

    blog nazi!

    (/anonymous moran)

  13. (how do you know it's all one guy?)

    I don't think all the stupid comments are from one guy. But this one persons's comments are so easy to spot. If you looked at them all lined up, you'd see the pattern. They're clearly from one person. One stupid, bored person.

  14. LOL, that's me, the blog nazi! I should register that name before someone beats me to it... ;-)

  15. I went through the same shite. I recently turned them back on but I am praying it doent happen again.
    when they attack you personally yet have no clue as to who you really are, I get pretty upset.

    Just remember that it is your blog first and formost.

  16. when they attack you personally yet have no clue as to who you really are, I get pretty upset.

    That's a shame, I'm sorry to hear it. Flamers aren't worth getting upset over. As you said, they don't even know you - they are meaningless.

    Just remember that it is your blog first and formost.

    Believe me, I have no problem remembering that. :) Thanks for your kind words.


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