what i'm watching: life, the movie - updated!!

Anyone see The Daily Show last night? Jon Stewart was covering W's little chat with the troops. You know, the "impromptu" talk for which the Department of Defense rehearsed the soldiers? They really ought to run that teleprompter faster; W sounded like such an idiot. (See here.) Even in a scripted event, he still can't get it together to speak in coherent sentences. Scary.

Anyway, after Stewart finished, Rob Corddry did a brilliant bit of post-modern brain-teasing, reviewing the hit TV series called "The White House". Move over, Geena Davis, this fall - a man will... still... be president. Remember that great scene in Season 3, where the President, called "George W. Bush", a competitive, born-again, ex-alcoholic with a Texas twang and a chip on his shoulder, landed a fighter plane on the deck of an aircraft carrier and shouted "Mission Accomplished"? Wasn't that great?? Corddry tells us fans of this smash TV show are called "Whiteys".

This was a great piece. If you missed it, keep checking The Daily Show website for Corddry videos; it'll be called something like "White House, The Series".

Corddry's advice to the producers? Bring back Osama. The guy disappears in Season 1 and they never wrap up the story line.

* * * *

Melusina told me the full video is posted at Crooks and Liars: click here and choose your version. Thanks Mel!


  1. Thanks Mel! I'll post this. Terrific.

  2. Yeah, that was brilliant. Had me ROTFLMAO for a change - needed that.

    Thanks for the vid link!

  3. Did you check out The Colbert Report? He does a fantastic O'Reilly--we were crying with laughter!

  4. Did you check out The Colbert Report?

    It's not on here yet. :-(


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