he gets a job

The Large Canadian Law Firm was very impressed. Allan starts training on Monday.

It's the kind of position we were hoping for: full-time hours squeezed into three long days. We've both worked that way for many years, although for a long time we had it down to two days. (We knew we wouldn't be able to do that in Toronto, because the per-hour rate wouldn't be as high.) The third day's a killer, but it's worth it to get the day-job over with all at once. Allan is submitting a book proposal soon, and three days a week will leave him lots of time to write procrastinate.

This job has decent pay and good benefits, but there are some strange hours. I always say that we were intent on living near the Lakeshore Line GO trains, because it's the only line that runs all day and on weekends, and we were sure our day-jobs would have unconventional hours. Unfortunately, Allan's hours will be so unconventional that there won't be any trains at all. He'll get out too late, the trains will have stopped running.

So he'll be driving to work after all. The firm pays for parking, and there won't be any real traffic at that hour, so I think it will be fine. But still, it's funny how you can't plan things too precisely. At the same time, it's our desire to be on the Lakeshore Line that brought us to Port Credit, and our house. Lucky, that.

Major leaf-raking this weekend, plus other household chores. No exploring planned, that's probably on hold until Allan settles in on his new job. Training days + regular hours = lots and lots of work for a while.

Have greet weekends, everybody!


  1. Great news! Congratulations!

  2. Congrats! It's wonderful to see that things are just falling into place for you guys. I know it took a lot of effort, but still, you seem to have found the ideal situation.

  3. "But still, it's funny how you can't plan things too precisely."

    Still I think your landing has been so wonderful, you've had a soft landing like some website slogan says:-) We are hoping to go smooth for us too.
    I've seen pictures of those trains you are talking about the GO trains before, I wonder if they are all over Canada or just in Toronto... You have a railroad station near by your house or something? I think that is cool! Anyways I hope you have a great weekend and a happy Halloween! Don't eat to much candy;-)

  4. That's fantastic! Congrats to both of you:-)

  5. Great news! Congratulations! I hope Allan won't have any trouble getting off for US Thanksgiving weekend.

  6. Yes Laura, we'd love to hear about the Go Trains.

    Here in Vancouver, I take the bus and the most I do is hop on a seabus which for those who don't know is like a little commuter boat which takes 12 mins to get through Burrard Straight to down town.

    Congrats on the job - it must feel good and relieving.

  7. Thank you everyone! I agree completely, it's been an incredibly soft landing and things have fallen into place so well.

    Mkk: Allan told them about US Thanksgiving during the interview, so that's all in place. Plus now I have the correct week. ;-)

    Expat Traveler: Seabus! That sounds so cool. I've always thought it would be fabulous to commute by ferry.

    Since folks seem to want to hear about the GO trains, I'll blog about them tomorrow.

  8. Congratulations! Isnt it nice when things work out?

    Thanks for adding me on to your "friends" link.

  9. Hello,

    I got here via Stepping Stones, and realized that we have something in common. We both moved from NYC to Canada.

    Congratulations on your husband's job. Canadian job market is a little tough to break in, but NYC experience goes a long way. :)


  10. Hey, thanks ITS, welcome to wmtc! How long ago did you emigrate? Are you from NYC originally?

    I see from your profile you listen to some great music. You listed my man Muddy first. :-) And I see Satchmo there, too, very cool.


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