day off

I need a day off from blogging. Have a good day, see you tomorrow (and in comments).


  1. All right gang, that means it's up to us to fill out this open thread. And what better way than by suggesting some more lesser known Canadian music to our new countrymen?

    I'm thinking stuff like Furnaceface, Bootsauce, 54-40, The Box, Jane Sibbery...hidden treasures. I'm sure LG and Redsock are already familiar with better known acts like Alanis, Shania, The Hip, and Celine.

  2. OOh ooh ooh!

    Good suggestion!

    How about Bedouin Soundclash (sp??), Kathleen Edwards, Sarah Harmer, Lhasa de Sela (not completely Canadian but kinda out there, and way cool musicl)

  3. Hey, cool, thanks guys!! The only one I've heard of from these names is Jane Siberry. Someone (Jen?) mentioned Metro yesterday. I heard them in the car today, on CITU radio. I've been alternating between that and Jazz FM, hearing lots of Canadian sounds.

    James, I knew you were connected to Nash, but didn't know you designed album covers for him. Very cool. Great designs!

    Some while back I was googling things about 54-40 Or Fight - writing something about American imperialism, no doubt! - and kept coming up with the band's name. Didn't know who they were, but it was funny.

  4. I swear every day I find out someone else is Canadian. Did I know Shania Twain was Canadian? No. Did I know Jane Siberry was Canadian? No. Just a few months back through this very blog I learned that William Shatner is Canadian!

    Half the famous people in the world seem to be Canadian, way out of proportion to the population of Canada.

    I'm going to blog about this soon so hold your comments if you can. ;-)

  5. If L-Girl didn't realize Shatner was Canadian, maybe we should exstend this list to encompass all types of celebrities, and not just musicians!

    For example:

    Anne Murray, Bachman Turner Overdrive, Blue Rodeo, Bryan Adams, Carrie-Anne Moss, Christopher Plummer, Cowboy Junkies, Crash Test Dummies, Dave Thomas, David Cronenberg, Donald Sutherland, Gordon Lightfoot, Hayden Christensen, Howie Mandel, I Mother Earth, Jann Arden, Jim Carrey, John Candy, Joni Mitchell, k.d. lang, Keanu Reeves, Kiefer Sutherland, Leonard Cohen, Leslie Nielsen, Loreena McKennit, Lorne Green, Loverboy, Margot Kidder, Martin Short, Michael Ironside, Michael J. Fox, Mike Myers, Niel Young, Pamela Anderson, Paul Shaffer, Platinum Blond, Prairie Oyster, Raymond Burr, Rich Little, Rick Moranis, Rush, Sarah McLachlan, The Guess Who, Tom Green

    In other news...

    For fans of classic German Expressionist silent film, Nash the Slash is doing two Halloween shows of his live soundtrack to the wonderful 1920 film, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari:

    Friday October 28th
    Camera Bar
    1028 Queen St.W. Toronto
    Midnight performance of Caligari
    $10 admission
    This is a VERY SMALL room (70 people)
    for an intimate performance of Caligari.
    Get there early.

    Saturday October 29th
    The Speakeasy
    120 Church St. (s. of Queen)
    Nash performs Caligari at 10 pm.
    The Wet Spots perform from 11:30 until 12:30
    Admission $10

  6. Ok, Ok, don't get crazy now. Of that list, here's who I didn't know was Canadian:

    Blue Rodeo (never heard of)
    Carrie-Anne Moss (nho)
    Hayden Christensen (nho)
    I Mother Earth (nho and don't want to!)
    Jann Arden (nho)
    Michael Ironside (nho)

    So everyone who's on this list who I've heard of I knew was Canadian. My first association is always my idol, Joni Mitchell. After that, Margaret Atwood. Then everyone else. :)

    Re Paul Schaffer, look up his original name. :-)

  7. Ok, Ok, don't get crazy now.

    Oh, you're no fun any more. :)

    Carrie-Anne Moss (nho)
    Hayden Christensen (nho)

    You do know these, even if you don't know you know. Carrie-Anne Moss played "Trinity" in the Matrix movies (the leather-glad female in the famous "bullet time" scene near the beginning), and Hayden Christensen played Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader in Star Wars Episodes II & III.

    Michael Ironside (nho)

    You've probably seen Ironside as a character actor playing the heavy in movies & TV. His most recent high-profile roles were Bob Brown in The Perfect Storm and Lt. Rasczak in Starship Troopers.

  8. Oh, you're no fun any more. :)

    I bet you say that to all the ex-patriates. :)

    I stand by my previous statements. :) My movie references are completely different than yours. Or, you probably know all of mine, but I only know a subset of yours.

    - Saw the first Matrix, hated it - I mean hated - so I don't know anyone from that.

    - Only liked the original 3 Star Wars movies. I really loved those, but didn't like the first prequel and never saw the rest.

    - Don't know those other TV movies, but I might recognize the actor's face if he's in a lot of things.

    What can I tell you. I knew all those other folks were Canadians! Do I get points for that?

  9. Mmm, Jane Siberry, I was thinking of her last month, wondering if I could find her stuff in iTunes.

    Child of the 80s moment: Anyone remember The Spoons? A silly pop/new-wave band, but I always had a soft spot for "Romantic Traffic".

    /end Child of the 80s moment

    Canadian music artists whose work I own (and am about to pack up):

    Bryan Adams
    The Tragivally Hip
    The Holly Cole Trio
    The Guess Who
    Red Rider
    Tom Cochrane
    The Infidels
    Sarah McLachlan
    Rush (not exactly sure they count...?)
    Alanis Morrisette

    --Never said I had any taste...

  10. Oh, you're no fun any more. :)

    I bet you say that to all the ex-patriates. :)

    No, I just take any opportunity to quote Monty Python that I can.

    I knew all those other folks were Canadians! Do I get points for that?

    Certainly. :)

  11. Another old Toronto band: The Shuffle Demons. :) Haven't heard much from them since Spadina Bus.

    What about other sorts of music?

    Oscar Peterson, John Vickers, Glenn Gould, Maureen Forrester, Ben Heppner, Louis Quilico, Holly Cole... :)

  12. --Never said I had any taste...

    You can say that again. ;-)

    And yes, Rush counts. Definitely.

  13. What about other sorts of music?

    Oscar Peterson, John Vickers, Glenn Gould, Maureen Forrester, Ben Heppner, Louis Quilico, Holly Cole... :)

    Oscar Peterson! Second only to Joni Mitchell for Great Canadian Musicians. Glenn Gould up there, too. I forgot about him.

    Yet Loverboy and Bryan Adams continue to dominate the Canadian charts. sigh

  14. A few more:

    Morley Safer, Mordechai Richler, Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, Alex Trebek, Peter Jennings, Evangeline Lilly (from the show "Lost"), Jill Hennessey (formerly from "Law and Order", now "Crossing Jordan"), Joe Schuster (co-creator of Superman), James Cameron, Norman Jewison, Dan Akroyd, Howard Shore

  15. Yet Loverboy and Bryan Adams continue to dominate the Canadian charts.

    LOL, not lately, although Celine Dion remains popular. Go figure.

  16. OK, from Rob's list--

    Morley Safer, Mordechai Richler, Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, Alex Trebek, Peter Jennings, Evangeline Lilly (from the show "Lost"), Jill Hennessey (formerly from "Law and Order", now "Crossing Jordan"), Joe Schuster (co-creator of Superman), James Cameron, Norman Jewison, Dan Akroyd, Howard Shore

    I knew everyone was Canadian except: Evangeline Lilly (NHO) and Jill Hennessey (her I know, I'm a big L&O fan, but didn't know of her Canuckness.

    Alex Trebek and Peter Jennings are (were) probably the most recognizable Canadians in the US, the most easily identifiable as Canadian.

  17. Well, you're up one on me, I only very recently found out Howard Shore was Canadian. I loved the music from the Lord of the Rings movies, so I was pleasantly surprised.

  18. What about Neve Campbell from Party of Five?? She's from my hometown!!

  19. Well, you're up one on me, I only very recently found out Howard Shore was Canadian. I loved the music from the Lord of the Rings movies, so I was pleasantly surprised.

    Um, no, I'm none up on you because I didn't catch that name, and now that I have, I'm not quite sure who he is... :/

    What about Neve Campbell from Party of Five?? She's from my hometown!!

    Ah, the Beautiful Woman From Hometown strikes again! :)

  20. Um, no, I'm none up on you because I didn't catch that name [Howard Shore], and now that I have, I'm not quite sure who he is... :/

    He's a film composer, currently best known for writing the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. Before that, his claim to fame was scoring David Cronenberg's films.

    He's just been dropped from Peter Jackson's King Kong production -- a risky move on Jackson's part, as he's only got a couple of months left to get the film out!

    Anyone mention Raymond Burr?

    I did.


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