2,000 US men and women have now died in Iraq.

From United for Peace And Justice:
We grieve for these two thousand men and women, killed in the prime of their lives, for a war based on lies, and we grieve for the tens of thousands of Iraqis who have also died in the chaos and carnage the Bush Administration has brought to their country.

It's time to bring the troops home -- now. Not one more U.S. serviceperson should give his or her life to this senseless war. Not one more Iraqi should be killed. Not one more U.S. dollar should be spent sustaining this war and occupation.

All around the country, people will gather tomorrow, Wednesday, October 26, to honor the dead and call for the troops to come home. We urge you to join one of these events -- or organize one in your community if none has yet been planned.

UFPJ is supporting the call made by UFPJ member groups -- American Friends Service Committee, Gold Star Families for Peace and Military Families Speak Out -- for these actions.
For a list of the more than 400 events being planned, or to list your own event, go to the American Friends Service Committee's Wage Peace Campaign.


  1. Hi Laura,
    I'm Kim and I'm originally from the area of Ontario where you now live, and i just loved reading back through your blog and looking at the photos. It fels very nostalgic. Reading your blog is far better than reading news sites! Keep it up!

  2. Thank you Kim! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Hope to see more of you at wmtc.

  3. Tangentially related, have you seen the new Year of the Veteran quarter?

    I haven't seen one yet, but when I clicked on that link, I realized I've seen a TV ad for it. The ad was kind of cool, showing the WWI and WWII vets - then showing today's peacekeeping veterans. That shows how Canada has evolved.

  4. The Mint has been having a lot of fun lately with deocrator coins (mainly quarters and lonoeys). Right here at my desk I have:

    1992 Province designs (5 of them)
    1999 Month designs (3 of 12)
    2000 Millenium designs (11 of 12)
    2001 Year of Volunteers dime
    2004 Ship (400th anniversary of a voyage)
    2004 Poppy
    2004 Olympic loonie
    2005 Year of Vetrans

  5. This post of Billmon's gives a little perspective on 2000.


    Thanks for posting that. That's such a great site.


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