This is way off-topic for me, but I was so struck by this article, I had to share it.
Hurricane Katrina has produced a diaspora of historic proportions. Not since the Dust Bowl of the 1930's or the end of the Civil War in the 1860's have so many Americans been on the move from a single event. Federal officials who are guiding the evacuation say 400,000 to upwards of one million people have been displaced from ruined homes, mainly in the New Orleans metropolitan area.Knowing something about the Dust Bowl, and about the Great Migration of African-Americans from the rural South to northern industrial cities in the early part of the 20th Century, I find this fascinating. Hurricane Katrina - and the massive failure of the US government to serve and protect the country's cities - may result in a sea change in American culture.
Carrying the scraps of their lives in plastic trash bags, citizens of the drowned city of New Orleans landed in a strange new place a week ago and wondered where they were. The land was brown, and nearly everyone they saw was white.No one can predict what other changes will result from this diaspora. We can only speculate and observe.
"I'm still not sure where I am - what do they call this, the upper West or something?" said Shelvin Cooter, 30, one of 583 people relocated from New Orleans to a National Guard camp here on a sagebrush plateau south of Salt Lake City, 1,410 miles from home.
"We're getting shown a lot of love, but we're also getting a lot of stares like we're aliens or something," Mr. Cooter said. "Am I the only person out here with dreadlocks?"
lady, you get up WAAY too early in the morning. When you posted this I was still sobering up...
ReplyDeleteanyway, this article looks really interesting. I'm going to read it in a few, when I get some coffee in my belly.
Sad situation. How long have you been living in Communist Canuckistan? I took a whirl at it, but found anti-American racism and bigotry, and the huge degree of anti-semitism to be far too much for me or any others in my family to bear. That and the constant hate-propaganda being pushed out but the actual GOVERNMNET of CanaDuh. It was a very violent and intolerant area as well. At least in Ottawa, Ontario, CanaDuh. Hateful people the lot of them. I can see however that an ultral-blue left-wing radical communist from New York City would fit in perfectly! Good luck to you in your quest for the "progessive", "enlightened", experienece of sharing space with the hyperventilating, hemp happy hate whores from Cruel, Calculating, Cold-blooded, Communist Canukistanis from The Hate White North. Weren't you just SOOOO impressed by the lines of people in Canuckistan at the red cross tables and the Soup kitchens to raise mony for Hurrican Katrina victims? I was! These same lines were backed up for a distance for the tsumanis but completely vacant for Katrina. It was appalling to see the hate and racism displayed by the Communist Cnauckistanis :( . Many were interviewed by CTV and even said publicly that they wouldn't donate because theose people were Americans, and they hated them because of that. One lady even stated she wouldn't give to those people (typically democrat, in New Orleans who voted Kerry) because she hated George Bush!!! OMG!!! That's CanaDUH for you! And that's precisely why my Canadian wife (the only nice Canadian I've met other than her mother) is leaving with me for the safe haven of America. It's been nothing but attacks and insults for being American from "tolerant" Canuckistanis. Bigotry, discrimination, and prejudice IS VERY MUCH ALIVE AND WELL aginst people of AMERICAN national origin in hate filled Communist Canuckistan. And actually led on by the federal Gvernment of CanaDuh! Carolyn Parrish and Jackal Layton marched through the streets chanting anti-American HATE SLOGANS and BURNING AMERICAN FLAGS in front of us...adult Canuckistanis attacked school buses full of small American children who came to play hockey and not a thing was done "aboot" ANY of it by the hate filled Government of Communist Canuckistan. After 3 years of absolute hell, we packed it in and headed South! Funny thing is...we'd never do such things to a Canadian living in America...who is truly the so-called "enlightened", progressive", "tolerant" ones, "eh"...
ReplyDeletehi laura...havent been by your blog in sometime now and im so excited for you after reading you have finally moved. Its great isnt it? i just celebrated my 3 years in canada this past august and 8 months now since becoming perm. residence. WELCOME TO CANADA!!!!
ReplyDeleteoh shit, laura, didn't you tell Don you have a 'no douchebag' rule? Don, didn't you get the memo?
ReplyDelete"Bigotry, discrimination, and prejudice IS VERY MUCH ALIVE AND WELL aginst people of AMERICAN national origin in hate filled Communist Canuckistan"
WTF? I'm hoping this was an attempt at humor, seriously.
Yes, all Canadians are "aginst" Americans. It's a whole vast conspiracy. As a dual citizen, I am leader of the infiltration, along with your wife. Oh shit, I pulled a Rove and outed a secret agent...oh well, I guess it's more collateral damage. There are hundreds more of us, watching, waiting, to make every red-blooded american pig into pinko weed-smoking terrorists! We will not stop until you start recycling and agree to be nice to people all the time!
Sorry, CaliGirl, but I believe you forgot to burn an American flag and assault school children before issuing your welcome as required by Canuckistan federal law. Care to start over?
ReplyDeleteGuess Don was too distracted by the windmills in his mind to read a littlle further down the page and see your post about Canadians being first on the scene in NO.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I'm so glad you're enjoying CanaDUH. Just wanted to send my regards -- you know, from one COMMIE to another :)
Just back from Ikea and I find wmtc has been assaulted by an escaped psychotic. And now y'all have made it impossible for to delete that verbiage!!
ReplyDeleteDon Q, in case you stop by again: don't. The No Douchebag rule is now in effect.
Upon looking at DQ's profile, I remembered that he has graced us with his psychosis before. I believe I deleted his comments before anyone had a chance to respond. Lucky for you guys I was out shopping!
ReplyDeleteSassycat: I'm probably asleep before you even head out for the evening... :)
Carolyn Parrish and Jackal Layton marched through the streets chanting anti-American HATE SLOGANS and BURNING AMERICAN FLAGS in front of us
ReplyDeleteThat's pretty funny. Not that I don't think they're capable of it, but no, this never happened.
I especially like the bit about hyperventilating, the irony is delicious.
the irony is delicious.
ReplyDeleteOh yes. Name-calling while accusing others of being unfriendly.
Hateful people the lot of them. I can see however that an ultral-blue left-wing radical communist from New York City would fit in perfectly!
I'm especially pleased to be the "ultral-blue left-wing" variety of radical communist, as opposed to an ordinary pinko.
Caligirl: THANK YOU! Everything's been wonderful so far. People could not be more welcoming.
someone's off his meds.
ReplyDeleteI checked out his blog. Awesome. A whole blog dedicated to informing Americans how much Canada sucks. The best part is, his expressed goal is to improve the relationship between Canadians and Americans. Can you feel the love?
ReplyDeleteI'm especially pleased to be the "ultral-blue left-wing" variety of radical communist, as opposed to an ordinary pinko.
ReplyDeleteI find all this "red-state/blue-state" stuff funny too; originally, the news networks used red to indicate "state that voted for the incumbent party" and blue to indicate "state that voted for the challenger party". It wasn't meant to mean "Republican" or "Democrat". I guess that's all changed now.
What was that saying the Republicans used to have, though? "Better dead than red"?
I just like that "red state" is just an errant "t" or two away from "red scare..."
ReplyDeleteI also like the fact that I coined the "No Douchebag Rule" (rights reserved).
And I do think I recall don quixote kicking around a while ago, like, oh, march-ish? I just can't believe he didn't know his wife was a dirty double-crosser, the poor sad sucker...
I just found your blog. I am the opposite of you...I moved from Canada to the U.S. about 15 years ago. At the time I wanted to get away from my family and other craziness. Thankfully my ex and I had enough good luck to move to the bastion of the San Francisco Bay Area. I'll be back to follow your adventure.
ReplyDeleteOK, every time we invoke the No Douchebag Rule, we owe Sassycat a nickel. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Donna, welcome to wtmc! It must be tough to be a Canadian living in the US now. Good thing you're in the Bay Area.
Have to say that I was curious and perused Don's site. His brain is a scary place indeed. I've met severely paranoid schizophrenics with fewer psychoses.
ReplyDeleteBe careful LiamJ! Don't venture alone into the bramble of DQ's mind. We don't want to lose you in there.
ReplyDeleteI was just in there too...I wonder if "Don Quixote" realizes the irony of the name he's picked for himself, tilting at enemies that really aren't...
ReplyDelete(ah, the irony...Coldplay's "Twisted Logic" was just playing out of my iTunes...)
ReplyDeleteDear Don Quixote...
ReplyDeleteYou are a WANKER!!
I swung by his blog too. Man, he's really got a hate on for us. It's not even a matter of taking issue with our policies, it's personal. I can't imagine it's all just about him being dumped on by Canadians. A lot of his has to stem from xenophobia. Good thing the guy didn't spend time in Mexico; he'd probably have had a stroke.
ReplyDeleteI was only half joking in my earlier post. I think that he really does have some deep seeded psychological problems. His ranting and raving does bare a remarkable resemblance to those afflicted with schizophrenia. Maybe rather than mocking him, we should be feeling sorry for him. I mean this with all sincerity.
ReplyDeleteanti-American racism
ReplyDeleteI never knew Americans were a race....gee, you learn something new everyday....
Okay...I just had to visit his blog too....
ReplyDeleteHe does sound like a schizophrenic. I had no idea I was so evil....
His ranting and raving does bare a remarkable resemblance to those afflicted with schizophrenia. Maybe rather than mocking him, we should be feeling sorry for him. I mean this with all sincerity.
ReplyDeleteYou are very kind. Clearly you cannot be Canadian! ;-)
I had no idea I was so evil....
ReplyDeleteOh, I did. You live in Ottawa. :)
I reserve my hatred for the New York Rangers, personally.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I do find the diaspora interesting--in a sad way. These are people, after all, not various brightly coloured arrows on a map in a history textbook. Of course, if the coasts flood, there'll be a lot more of this, and our grandchildren will all be living with Rob in Alberta...
Oh yes, interesting in a very sad way. Most mass migrations are. I didn't mean to be cold about it.
ReplyDeleteAnd as you say, this is "interesting" environmentally, too.