what i'm reading

Nothing! I can't read. I can't concentrate. The most I can manage is a magazine or newspaper story. I try to read a book and end up staring at the page, getting up to do something, sitting down, reading one sentence, getting up, flipping the pages... My fibromyalgia causes low concentration, but I'm not having a flare-up. I'm having brain overload. Anticipation overload. Head buzzing with so many things to do overload. Reading is out of the question. "Dallas" is more my speed right now.

Today I'm submitting to reality and returning all library books.

I'd also like to issue a blanket apology, retroactively and in advance, to anyone I may snap at in comments. I'm trying really hard to be even-tempered, but sometimes finding my foibles, um, foibling to the surface more than I would like. Mostly if I'm irritated I can just avoid the situation, but sometimes, well, you know.

One more thing. Remember the essay I am trying to get published? James asked if I had looked into Canadian publications. Yay James - I had not! (Why not, you ask? Good question.) Looking around online, I discovered that Macleans has a personal essay column called "Over To You", and sent it in.

Drumroll please... The editor loved the essay. But. The but is they had already committed to a 9/11-themed piece. She said "Frankly, I wish we had waited." Drat! If only I had discovered their column sooner. However, next year is the fifth anniversary of 9/11. Rather than try to rework the piece with another peg or theme, I'm going to keep it as-is and resubmit it everywhere next year. Thank you all for your help with this.


  1. Congrats! I look forward to reading your essay.

  2. Thanks! Who knows what will happen, a whole year from now, but it's a nice validation.

  3. That's great! A pleasure delayed is a pleasure ... what IS that saying, anyway?

  4. 5th anniversary sounds much better than the 4th anniversary. I hope you make it.

  5. Maybe the Walrus would be suitable?

  6. I like the thought of foibles foibling...

  7. Thanks, David! And thank you, Sassycat. I'll feel better about the foibling now.

    Wrye: Good though. Marnie (wmtc reader) introduced me to the Walrus - it looks like a great mag. I don't think they have a venue for this kind of personal essay, but now that we're talking another year, I'll re-check.

  8. Um, that's good thought. Not "good though".


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