view from former workplace

I thought you might like to see the view from where I no longer work. (Yay!)

lwork 001
Empire State Building

lwork 002
Lady Liberty in the distance

lwork 008
St. Patrick's Cathedral from the 44th Floor

lwork 009
Met Life (Pan Am) Building,
with the Chrysler Building peeking around the corner

lwork 011
A piece of Central Park,
with the George Washington Bridge in the far distance.
We live right near that bridge.

Good night.


  1. It's been a long time since I've visited NYC and I didn't realize that the Pan-Am building had been renamed. And Met Life to boot. What a bitter pill to discover. I loved the look of that building when I was a kid--or maybe it was the candy shop in the lobby. And the Chrysler Building too.

  2. It's funny, but I have this enduring fantasy of living in New York city. I am not sure I could leave that. But, then again, I have only visited and have never lived in the US. I guess that the two are quite different.

  3. Utenzi: The Chrysler Building is one of the greatest - anywhere. Sheer magic. The Pan Am, well, I never liked it, it ruined the lines of Park Avenue - but hell, I liked it better as Pan Am, that's for sure! Sorry to give you the bad news.

    ZF: Keep the fantasy alive. It's not an easy place to live, but so rewarding. I never thought I could leave either. It was 20 years before I could even think about it. And as you might know from reading wmtc, it's the only part of leaving the US that hurt.


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