stuff moving day

All our tangible possessions are in boxes and bubble wrap. The movers are due at 8:00 a.m. By the end of the day, we will be in an empty apartment, with an air mattress, two small suitcases, some dog food and our computers.

Packing went really well, at least I think so, because Allan did more than his fair share, while I made phone calls and organized stuff. And because we were able to focus on it almost full-time, rather than squeezing it around full-time jobs.

I'll be babysitting the dogs while the movers work, which means I'll be at the computer all day, if you're up for chatting in comments.

moving 005


  1. Good luck with it! How are you feeling, or do you have time to feel anything? This is the stage where I'd be settling into a cold, numb dread and wishing I'd never thought of moving ... I hope it's different for you. Life will be grand when you finally get here!

    (And to be honest, that countdown in your sidebar, ticking off the seconds until I turn 40? Freaking me out just a little bit. So move already!)

  2. I feel grrreat! I am thrilled and excited.

    Sorry my countdown is making you freak out! 40 is a great place to be. So much wisdom and experience, yet so much time ahead of you. But I can well understand a bit of freakout. I was quite shocked when I reached that milestone, too!

  3. Taking pictures of the apartment at 4:00 am? Yikes!

  4. I wrote the post at 4. Didn't take the pic til 6.

  5. This is soooo exiting! I can't believe the time is here!
    I would like to ask you L which company did u use for the move? was it really expensive? We are thinking of using the moving services also...
    see u

  6. Thanks you guys!

    Gito, we are using Allied Van Lines. Only a few companies are licensed to do international moves. Allan handled this, but I believe he got three price quotes from three different moving companies.

    You want to get a "binding estimate". It's slightly more than a regular estimate, but it's a guaranteed price. Lots of times movers make an estimate but the true cost turns out much higher. With a binding estimate that doesn't happen.

  7. When you guys drive through Hamilton give me a wave.

    I know I pass it on the QEW, on our way to Port Credit. I'll be waving - but not until Tuesday. So far just our stuff is moving.

    I'm off to do a most Canadian of things, buy my son's hockey gear for this season.

    I like the sound of that.

    Your weather is going to be fantastic...

    And I love the sound of that!


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