one last tourism day

I'm taking another exploring day, the last one, I think, while I'm still living here.

Allan and I are spending the day in Brooklyn, where I first lived when I moved to the city on my own, and where we first lived together when Allan moved down from Vermont. There's something I always wanted to do there, and never got around to...

Allan also wants to visit Prospect Park, where our first dogs used to romp. Gypsy would drag me up the hill to the Park, choking herself (this was before we discovered the Halti). As soon as we stepped foot in the Park, I'd let her off the leash and she'd streak away, up and over the hills, a disappearing speck, until she was completely out of sight. Some minutes later she'd come circling back, still racing at top speed. Later, after we found Clyde, Gypsy would prevent her from running too far away or getting lost. Our girls. They were the best.

the girls


  1. how could anyone resist the pleas of 'please take us to the park' from those cute animals?

    wish i had a dog...

  2. she'd streak away

    I guess dogs always do that because they don't have any clothes on.

    Did you hear about the guy streak down in the church? Fortunately they got him by the organ.

  3. Hi Urban Chick! Welcome to wmtc. I guess you found me through Crabletta?

    We never could resist those eyes, and they went to the park daily. They were both rescues, and so wonderful. They died within six months of each other and broke our hearts in bits.

    You can't have a dog?

    David: groan, eye rolling, etc. :)

    ALPF: thanks!

  4. They died within six months of each other and broke our hearts in bits

    Do you think the second one died of grief? You hear about this a lot when a partner dies. My friend's mother died within 5 months after her husband did even though she didn't have a long term illness.

    I guess it could happen to dogs too. Did the second one ever know that the first died or just vanished.

  5. Do you think the second one died of grief? You hear about this a lot when a partner dies. My friend's mother died within 5 months after her husband did even though she didn't have a long term illness.

    You do hear of this a lot - I definitely believe it happens. But I don't think it happened it this case.

    After Gypsy died, Clyde was absolutely bewildered. The worst part of losing Gypsy was watching Clyde wander around looking for her. But after 2 or 3 weeks, Clyde perked up and seemed to have moved on. It helped me, too.

    A few months later, we adopted Cody, and things returned to a "new normal". A few months after that, Clyde died suddenly. The vets told us she must have had a long-term heart condition that her body was compensating for, for a long time, and then her heart gave out.

    I guess it could happen to dogs too. Did the second one ever know that the first died or just vanished.

    I wish I knew what she thought. Maybe it's the same thing for a dog?

    Clyde must have known Gypsy was sick, weak, failing. Then one day we left with her and she never came back.

    Clyde had never lived with us without Gypsy. She seemed lost and confused. She would walk over to where Gypsy used to lay and just stare. It was horrible.

  6. i did indeed find you by way of crabletta!

    so, will you be setting up a new bog in two weeks' time called: now we live in canada?!

    happy moving!

  7. so, will you be setting up a new bog in two weeks' time called: now we live in canada?!

    Ha ha, there's been much discussion of this somewhere in comments. My partner thinks I should change the title to "we moveD to canada". But I will definitely be blogging on this blog about our life in our new home.

    Thanks for your good wishes! I am also an urban chick, now leaving the urban home of my heart.

  8. oh dear, my hand-me-down laptop has let me down...

    even if you DON'T set up a new bLog, be sure and set up a new bog (i love outside loos)

    there's nothing like the wind on your wotnot as you pee etc. IMHO


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