life among the boxes

Yesterday began with me accidentally giving Cody one of Buster's pills, and ended with our phone service being cut off.

Fortunately everything in the middle was much less eventful.

The pill. Buster needs so many pills in the morning, so I give them to him with pieces of chicken. So of course I give Cody chicken, too - and I absent-mindedly fed her a chunk of chicken with a pill in it. As soon as it left my hand I realized what I had done. I haven't been sleeping too well, and it's showing.

I wasn't sure if one pill could hurt her, but I didn't want to worry about it all day. Dog-loving readers, if you ever need to induce vomiting in your pup, make them ingest some hydrogen peroxide, then wait. A remedy we learned when our little dog Clyde got into a bottle of Advil.

The phone. Vonage mistakenly de-activated our router and charged us $99 for the privilege. In customer-service-speak, "the issue is currently unresolved," meaning I still have no phone. I had made half a dozen important calls during the day, so I had to call everyone back and leave more voice mails, asking people to call my cell phone instead.

I love VOIP. I really do. Just not today.

The only other event, besides packing, is how frequently Buster has to go out, a side effect of the Prednisone. We take turns taking him out all day long and often in the middle of the night, too. I arranged double dog-walking for him this weekend - our dog-walker is glad to spend more time with the pups while she can. So our drive north on Tuesday will take a little longer. But who cares. I'm glad he's feeling better, and he won't be on the medication forever.

If I sound whiny, I'm really not. I'm taking it all in stride. Stuff happens. Things are progressing nicely. The only packing we have left is the kitchen.


  1. The only thing worse than packing is unpacking. Believe it or not, I still have boxes unpacked since we moved 2.5 years ago. Obviosuly, I really need that stuff.

  2. I agree - unpacking is harder! Packing, everything just has to go in a box of some sort. Unpacking, you have to actually find a new place for it all.

    Another friend of mine was just saying the same thing as you - he has boxes that are unopened from 3 successive moves! That's when you know it's really time to purge.

    I'm hanging out w/ the dogs at my computer while Freecyclers cart my old furniture away.

  3. Well I don't know. I've been able to almost get everything unpacked and then been hit with news that I'm going to have to move/put things in storage again. It's profoundly tiring, frankly. Now it appears I may be heading to Japan next year, so why unpack a box of beloved just to repack it? Oy...

  4. Oy is right. But Japan sounds cool.

  5. I'm so excited for you! I feel like I should say, "Bye, i'll miss you" but I guess I don't need to do that, do I? (God, I love the internets.) So I'll just say good luck and how much I look forward to hearing about your big adventure :)

  6. Thank you so much, Crabbletta. These days I am constantly saying "I love the internets". This move would be a far lonelier experience without it. Without its? Without it's? ;-)

  7. This is awesome. Stay tuned.


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