
There's a new website that pulls together hundreds of thousands of progressive blogs from the US, and indexes them by state. I'm a bit skeptical about these types of sites - there seem to be so many of them, and they're so easily lost in the vastness of the blogosphere. But hey, what I do know. Many people might find them very helpful. This one is certainly well designed and easy to use.

Interested parties are directed to LeftyBlogs. The site even has a blog about itself. How meta can you get. Enjoy!


  1. Right now I'm using NewsGator to pull Blogs together; that way I can include or exclude the ones I want. :) So far it's working well, though it has an unfortunate habit of forgetting that some articles from some sites have been marked as read; TBogg, for example, will always come up with 14 or 15 "new" posts, even if I've seen them all before.

    BTW, Happy Oscar Peterson's Birthday. :)

  2. Heh...for a second, I was thinking/hoping that the site was for lefties like myself. Power to the left-handed! ;)


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