hooray for buster

Hooray hooray hooray, I am happy happy happy! I spoke to our vet specialist last night. She is very pleased with Buster's progress, and feels we are really on the right track.

Tonight we'll start transitioning him back to regular dog food, over the course of a week. If that goes well, we'll then lower the dose of Prednisone over two weeks, which will make our lives much easier.

Extra-good news is that Dr. S is going to manage Buster's case long-distance. While she does want me to find another internist in the Toronto area, to check his blood levels in about a month, I'll continue to check in with her for managing his medication. I thought she was turning us over to a new doctor entirely, but in fact, she is not at all. What a relief!

For specialty care, it looks like we'll be going to the University of Guelph Veterinary School. If any of you have experience with them, do let me know. They are supposed to be top-notch, as teaching hospitals are often up on all the latest care.

b on new mats 013


  1. Awwwww...

    Buster is a very handsome little man! I hope that everything goes well with his health. :)

  2. Huurraaayy back! Thanks for the update. Yes, Butster is a cutie.


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