cindy sheehan vigils

While I was wining and dining with my siblings, thousands of Americans were standing together in support of Cindy Sheehan. Perhaps some of you were among them.

I'm very sorry I wasn't able to participate in a vigil, and I'll be looking for news about the effort. Here are some other ways we can support Sheehan's efforts to end the war:

Sign the Stand With Cindy petition.

Get some Support Cindy Sheehan buttons and stickers. Visibility is important. If people feel less alone, they are more likely to speak out against the war.

With United For Peace and Justice, you can help organize the September 24 March on Washington.

If you are in school or have a child of school age, you can support counter-recruitment efforts. Here are some resources:

Student Peace Action Network

Youth and The Military

Code Pink's counter-recruitment efforts

And here is an article from the War Resisters League about the counter-recruitment movement.


  1. There were several here in Austin. I went to one that had about 700 people and met someone with whom I'll be riding to Crawford on Saturday (if I don't oversleep). Crawford's about two and a half hours away from here, so my going is not that big a feat compared to the people coming from all over the world. The vigil was well-organized, with a predominance of families with small children, at least one celebrity (Liz Carpenter), and a few veterans. We stood on a bridge overlooking the Colorado River with our candles and people were given bags of rose petals to toss into the water below, representing lives lost and hope. The media were also there en masse, so hopefully it was on the evening news. The person I'll be going to Crawford with is also seriously considering moving to Canada for political reasons and has a friend who got fed up with Americans and moved to Mexico.

  2. DeanG, thanks for the report. I'm so glad you went, and that you're going to Crawford. No matter that it's not a world away: you're making the effort, you're putting your body there. Good man.

  3. That is nauseating. Truly, truly nauseating, on so many levels.

  4. landoverbaptist is actually a site which satirizes conservative Christians

    David Cho to the rescue!

    I didn't (wouldn't) go to the site, so I didn't know it was a parody. I did think, it's so over-the-top, I wonder if it's a parody - but then, I often think that about things that turn out to be real (Fox News, Fred Phelps, etc.).

    I am now slightly less nauseated. :)

  5. I am surprised that you haven't blogged about this.

    The Republican who coined the term "Freedom Fries" is now denoucing the war in Iraq.

    It's the first I've heard of it! Thanks, David - it's welcome news, for sure.

    I would never have known he was the genius who came up with Freedom Fries, an international embarrassment.

  6. landoverbaptist is actually a site which satirizes conservative Christians, so it is really not "real," even though I am sure there are conservative Christians who shout Amen to that.

    Phew...... Although it sounds spookily real. Then again, the Onion is beginning to sound real these days too.


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