the couch? really?

Someone has a blog about The Daily Show's new set. What's more, Blogger has chosen it as a Blog of Note.


  1. Sorry--the above post was mine--but I needed spell check and didn't have it. My bad. Anyways...

    Not a comment about the couch (although I miss it) or even the Couch blog (envious of the Blogger support!!!), but I was just down in Port Credit, and wanted to tell you. It is much nicer than I remember it, as most things are in the GTA. I was a mere teen whenI lived here, and hated everything and almost everyone. I think that you'll like it a bunch. It is one part of Mississauga that has eluded the suburban touch.

  2. Hey, thanks for this Andy! You coulda left the typos in. :-)

    We also really like Port Credit, for just that reason. The funny thing is, we stumbled on it by accident on our first trip up to Toronto, and got the (incorrect) impression that all the suburbs were cute little towns like that. After looking around more, and seeing how unique Port Credit is, we really wanted to live there.

    Plus it's so close to downtown, and has decent public transit to Toronto, compared to most places in Mississauga.

    We can't believe how lucky we were to find this house so easily.

    I was a mere teen whenI lived here, and hated everything and almost everyone.

    You will appreciate that when I was growing up in the NYC suburbs, my theme song was "'s a town for losers, I'm pulling outta here to win..."

    You saw a great show, eh? Bruce never disappoints.

    Thanks for stopping by to tell me this.

  3. RE The Daily Show, and the Blogger Blog Of Note ...

    Just goes to show: Jon Stewart has finally made it. Big time.

    ;-) G

  4. Can't get any bigger than Blogger! :)


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