i'm done

I just turned in the final chapter of the ancient civs book. All I can say is...

I'm done, I'm done, I'm done done done done done, done done done done-done-doooone... (Sung to the tune of the "Dallas" theme song.)

This weekend I'll start catching up on the outside word, so expect comments on your blogs, or at least a uptick in page views.

Whooofuckinghooo! I'm off to pour myself a glass of wine.


  1. Done, and on deadline! Congratulations. When do you start the next one? ;)

  2. Thank you! Actually... when I turned in the last chapter, my editor offered me another book. Yay!

    The reason I'm so psyched about these books is that they could save me from a full-time "day-job" in Canada. Which in turn means I'll have more time to write them.

    This is writing work I enjoy which also pays well - the two seldom go together for me. Between these books and some magazine work, I could just temp between writing gigs. It would be very nice.

  3. Congratulations! Do you know what the title will be yet so we can take a look at it when it comes out?

  4. OMG, congrats! Hooray! If I get off my butt to get some wine, i will totally toast you.

  5. Congratulations! That's great news about the new book.

  6. Thanks guys. Dean: I don't know yet, but you can be sure I'll post a picture as soon as I see it in print.

  7. Will there be book signing tours?

  8. Great news! Hope it turned out well!

  9. Will there be book signing tours?

    Ha ha, no, I'm afraid not. In fact you'll not notice it out there in the world at all. But with any luck, some 9-year-old will marvel at what people accomplished in ancient times - maybe be moved to go online and read more - maybe dream of visiting the ruins of ancient cities, and maybe one day do that... I'd like to think so, anyway.

    Hope it turned out well!

    I guess it did, since I've been offered another book in the series. A big relief! I had been handing in chapters as I went along, and had gotten some positive feedback, but you never really know. Now I can relax.


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