fashionable fascists

A while back, I posted about a gay teen who had been abducted and detained by some fascists calling themselves Christians.

The New York Times has got a hold of the story - and they're running it in tomorrow's Style section. What is up with that? Do they think more gay people will see it in Style? Is Style a code-word for gay? Which means they think only gay people care about this? (Or only stylish people?)

Perhaps when Roe v. Wade is overturned, I'll read about it in the Home section. You know, where we ladies clip our recipes.

If I've jumped the gun - maybe this story has a fashion angle I'm not aware of - do let me know. Meanwhile, I'll let the Times know how I feel.

New York Times story here.


  1. It's an important article and at least it's in there. That's the part that matters most.

    Still, its presence in the Style section does raise a troubling question. Is the exploration/identification process of one's sexuality being seen as just the latest rage? That mentality would not be surprising in, say, LA, where everything is considered chic before looked at through the lens of reality, but apparantly that exists in NY also.

    Sad. What's next? Stories from Chinatown appearing in the World News section?

    (although political news moving into the Humor section would be rather fitting)

  2. Is the exploration/ identification process of one's sexuality being seen as just the latest rage?

    It might be "that's where our readers are" - meaning gay people read Styles - or it could be "we didn't know where to stick this". NPI.

    although political news moving into the Humor section would be rather fitting)

    I was going to say the NYT doesn't have a humor section, but then again... maybe that's what the front page is, as you suggest.

  3. Also...

    It's an important article and at least it's in there.

    It is an important story, and I think putting it in the Style section says it's not important. Style = fluff.

  4. I haven't seen a juxtaposition this odd since I signed out of Hotmail and saw the MSN home page. Let's teenager kidnapped and abused and this:

    "Scarves with 'tude, what the producer's wearing, faking out a fake tan and shorts."

    "Short pants are a frequently seen alternative to trousers this summer. Some women are wearing them with matching jackets or sweaters."

  5. It's absolutely insane that article is in the Fashion section.

  6. It does seems odd. But I'm wondering if the NYT titles this section what many newspapers would call "Life". In other words, stories of culture or culture clash, society, lifestyle and sexuality would fit in here.

    If you click on the author's name, you'll see that he has written a number of articles related to Culture. Very few of the articles he has written are actually about Fashion.

    Btw, I'm making the assumption that "Alex" is short for Alexander but it could be "Alexandra".


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