why i'm leaving, part 3,547

Here's some fodder for fascism. I received this comment today from - big surprise - an anonymous commenter.
You are a disgusting vile traitor and have stabbed your country in the back! Our glorious armies who defend freedom across the world are shedding blood for the defense of the American homeland. President Bush in his infinite wisdom is defeating terrorism accross the globe. The United States is feared more than ever by the world and we have the President to thank for it. Fear and the threat of military anniliation keeps us safe and sound. This is the Pax Americana!!! We could crush Canada in one day if we so chose. All we need is some border incident and our northern neighbor is gone. I hope Canadians continue to keep their mouth shut and mind their own business. What we did to Iraq, we can also do to any other country in the world.
I wonder if this guy treats his children the way he wants his country to treat the world. Very sad.

Also very funny. Can you imagine thinking the Smirking Chimp has "infinite wisdom"?!


  1. Wow ... has to be a joke comment. Really.

    But, if it is not, I've got 20 bucks saying this guy's a devout Christian.

    The problem with America in the world today isn't so much that the majority believes what this guy does - far from it. The problem is these are the statements the rest of the world notices. Things like "the US is feared more now than ever" boasted proudly is what makes the world hate the US in the first place. And this guy probably still somehow wonders why it was they were attacked, and not us or Britain, the other 2 symbols of the western world. Hmmm.

    Ignorance is bliss, and I'm sure buddy here leads a happy life. I hope he's listening when the soldiers come back and tell the truth. The documentaries that he doesn't watch, and the writings he doesn't read, reveal much confusion and dissent among the troops. They don't know why they are there. They don't want to be there. Read it, watch it, it's out there.

    Just like Vietnam, now ... a war without meaning, fought with soldiers who have ceased to care since they discovered its lack of purpose.

    Hasn't he heard the families of 9/11 victims? Even they can't figure out Iraq. And rightfully so.

    Glad you're coming up here, L-Girl. Your voice is better served in a country willing to listen.

  2. You know, Redsock thought it was a joke, too. Too over-the-top to be real?

    "The problem with America in the world today isn't so much that the majority believes what this guy does - far from it. The problem is these are the statements the rest of the world notices."

    Yes, well said! These ignorant louts are the loudest, they drown out other voices - like all extremists.

    "And this guy probably still somehow wonders why it was they were attacked, and not us or Britain, the other 2 symbols of the western world. Hmmm."

    If he's for real, he doesn't wonder. It's because We're Number One, U-S-A, etc. etc.

    "Glad you're coming up here, L-Girl. Your voice is better served in a country willing to listen."

    Thanks, G. :-)

  3. I've written out some rough draft wingnut-esque responses to some of L's posts as a joke, but I've never written anything as good as this.

    This is brilliant stuff.

    Maybe it's that "wemovetolynn" guy. He's probably funny enough to pull this off.

    Why is it fake?

    (1) Reference to Bush's "infinite wisdom"; and

    (2) Only two misspellings ("accross" and "anniliation").

    But really, can you find a better definition of Freedom?

    "Keep your mouth shut and mind your own business or we will crush you."

    Jesus himself couldn't have put it any better than that.

  4. The scary thing is that this guy probably keeps a loaded gun under his pillow. Either that, or he has a basement full of guns. My fav wuote is " What we did to Iraq, we can also do to any other country in the world." You mean, like screw it up?

  5. "What we did to Iraq, we can also do to any other country in the world."

    A truly ironic statement, considering that the US is slowly but inevitably losing the war in Iraq.

  6. Be quiet, Rob, or anonymous will come kick your butt.

    After that, he'll get stuck in Canada. Unable to find his way out, he'll be pummelled daily by donut-eating, Labatts-guzzling hockey players, while his country forgets to buy him a face mask...

    I'm starting to sound like G, eh?

  7. I'm not so sure it was meant as a joke. I was raised in a right-wing Texas family. I've heard cop friends of the family brag about how many people they've killed. I've heard US bomber pilot friends of the family brag about bombing people out of existence and wishing they could do it every day of their lives. Writer Joe Bageant has documented other instances of such vile attitudes from his Southern hometown. And if it was a joke, what does it say about the US that someone thinks it's funny? With millions of people in the US actually holding such opinions and acting on them, the possibility of parody is lost. Remember, Ann Coulter says equally foul things in an only somewhat joking tone and she actually is popular in the US.

  8. "I've heard US bomber pilot friends of the family brag about bombing people out of existence and wishing they could do it every day of their lives."

    That is very sad.

    I don't think it was a joke either. I've had too many of these crazy emails to think they're joking.

  9. Ladies and gentlemen, grab your hockey sticks ...


    Think I'll crack another beer and fall gently asleep hoping dreamily that Canada won't get attacked for being allies with a country that houses many wingnuts like the anonymous poster and the aforementioned cowboys.

    Though I have to say it's more likely just a matter of time.


  10. "Be quiet, Rob, or anonymous will come kick your butt."

    I always wondered what would happen if you invaded a country and the other side just offered you a beer and a smoke. The US army would party for a few days, forget whatever the hell reason it was they came here and go home with a massive hangover. Mission Accomplished!

  11. I still can't figure out these people. Being an engineer, I like nice neat logical ideas.

    The sheer irrationality of these people boogles me. How can you use "defend freedom across the world" and "Pax Americana" in the arguement?

    I can understand the motivations of people like Wolfowitz. They really believe that remaking the world in America's image will benifit mankind. It's a modern day version of "civilizing the savages", and as equally doomed to fail.

    Their low level grunts though are mindless sheeple (there's that word again).

  12. Anything is defensible once you have convinced yourself that you belong to a special group of people. Be it a race, a religion or a nationality, you need only be able to designate who is "us" and who is "them" and millions of years of evolutionary tribalism does the rest. Worst of all, the willingness to fight for one's own tribe is favoured by natural selection. The peaceful tribe in the valley is going to be wiped out by the marauders from the hills.

  13. "The peaceful tribe in the valley is going to be wiped out by the marauders from the hills."

    I'm reading about this a lot right now, writing about ancient civilizations.

    One thing that always gets me about the wingnuts' blind defense of the US is how proud they are of having a huge military - as if it's some reflection of skill or talent - rather than a function of spending priorities. As if we're all still slugging it out in the pit, and the physically strongest tribe is the best.

  14. I think what a lot of these tough guys seems to forget is that US military superiority doesn't result from some unusually high level of courage on the part of the "American Fighting Man". Sure, American soldiers are brave, but guess what? So are the soldiers of every other country in the world, it's a job requirement whether you are a trained professional in a western army or a guerilla fighter in the streets of Fallujah. America's military edge is in its engineers and scientists, not its soldiers. American power is brain power, nerd power, not machismo.

  15. "America's military edge is in its engineers and scientists, not its soldiers. American power is brain power, nerd power, not machismo."

    Don't forget corporate welfare. That the lion's share of the US military budget.

  16. ...finally, I catch one of the fights in the schoolyard!
    This is precisely the kind of thing I was talking about a little while ago.
    As to whether its a joke, it really doesn't matter, because it isn't funny.

  17. As to whether its a joke, it really doesn't matter, because it isn't funny.

    So true.

    Kyle, I'll check out that Lew Rockwell link. I'd love to read his mail!

  18. Ewww, scary stuff. Can't look for too long, burns the eyes. Must move to Canada... must move to Canada...

  19. I know this is an old thread, but ... had to comment on the idea that US soldiers are brave. As several survivors of US bombing raids on Iraqi and Afghani villages have said, if US soldiers were really brave, they wouldn't be bombing from thousands of feet in the air or from armored tanks; They'd be confronting the people from the towns they're destroying face to face, with no more murderous weaponry than the villagers have. That would be brave.

  20. I think all soldiers are brave, and all are frightened. It's not the US soldier's fault that modern warfare has divorced the killer from the victim. It doesn't make the soldier cowardly. (IMO)

    It's the so-called leaders who are cowards. The fucking commander in chief who never saw a day of battle in his life, and went AWOL on whatever he was supposed to be doing instead. He's the coward.

  21. Absolutely right. The pilot in the stealth bomber might be pretty safe, but the average infantryman going house-to-house in Fallujah is under constant threat.

  22. Ugh....I think I'm going to be ill.


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